Vicky is a robot which sends JIRA activity to relevant slack intelligently mapping JIRA task projects, lables and assignee to slack channels and people.
- Create a New app in slack
- Add next permissions in OAuth & Permissions -> Scopes -> Bot Token Scopes
- chat:write
- users:read
- Install App to workspace. OAuth & Permissions -> OAuth Tokens & Redirect URLs -> Install App to Workspace
- property should have value from OAuth & Permissions -> Tokens for Your Workspace -> Bot User OAuth Access Token
- slack.token.verification property should have value from Basic Information -> Verification Token
- Invite Vicky to channels you want to see her in
- Go to https://<>/plugins/servlet/webhooks#
- Create new webhook with next settings:
- URL: https://<path._to_your_slackbot>/event/jira
- Issue related events - mark created, updated, deleted, for Comment and Issue sections.
- All users who supposed to get notifications should have "Anyone" visibility level for email here
- Java 8 or higher
- gradle 4.10.2 or higher
- clone the project
- open it with IntelliJ Idea as gradle project
- Enable auto-import for gradle
- Enable annotation processing for IDEA
You need to configure application.yml (see example in sample-application.yml) and connect Vicky with JIRA and Slack for correct work.
- Use Ngrok to test webhook integrations on your local machine if you do not have a static IP with following command (ngrok http )
- Put url generated by Ngrok as webhook in jira settings
- Webserver with valid HTTPS URL (e.g.
- Configured to proxy requests to http://localhost:8080
- Create a new folder
mkdir vicky-docker
- Go to folder
cd vicky-docker
- Copy Dockerfile to new folder
- Create src folder
mkdir src
- Copy sample-application.yml to src as application.yml
- Edit src/application.yml and add JIRA credentials and Slack tokens
- Build project
docker build --no-cache -t vicky-docker .
- Start instance
docker run -dit --restart always -p -p 5005:5005 vicky-docker
See Feature Specification Document
See the LICENSE file.