This is a simple .NET Core client library for interacting with REST services, making it easy to construct and invoke HTTP requests in a dynamic way.
In the Package Manager console type
PM> Install-Package Deveel.Rest.Client
PM> Install-Package Deveel.Rest.Client -Pre
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Nightly Builds
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In the Package Manager console type
PM> Install-Package Deveel.Rest.Client
To build a REST client with DRest is an easy process and it can be done with a straight constructor of RestClientSettings
(or any class deriving from IRestClientSettings
) or using a builder.
In this example, we will use a building strategy:
var client = RestClient.Build(settings => settings
.UseDefaultHeader("X-DeviceId", "9999999999"));
The base URI of the service to contact is required in a building context, while when contructing the client using a reference to IHttpClient
that value can be inferred from that low-level client.
By default, RestClientSettings
includes all the default IContentSerializer
instances defined by the library: if in the builder one or more specific serializers are specified to be used, the settings is cleared out by the default serializers and the explicitly specified are used.
The library provides the class RestRequest
as the core element for constructing a REST request to a remote service: this includes parameters (Header, Route, QueryString, Body and File) and request-specific authentication.
It is also provided a building model for constructing requests dynamically
var request = RestRequest.Build(builder => builder
.WithRoute("userId", 25)
var response = await client.RequestAsync(request);
var user = await response.GetBodyAsync<User>();
Extensions to the IRestClient
provide utilities for building requests directly when sending the request.
var response = client.SendAsync(request => request
.WithRoute("userId", 101)
.WithJsonBody(new UserSetting{Key="notify",Value=true})
.WithHeader("X-Source", "iOS App"));
The content (body) of a request or a response is serialized/deserialized by the client using implementations of IContentSerializer
, selected by the analysis of the content type of a response or from an explicit specification of the request setup (either specifying the type of content posted or by using the default content defined in the client settings).
DRest defines some default implementations of the serializers
: it is used to serialize datain or from JSON contents; it uses the Newtonsoft JSON.NET library as lower level serializerXmlContentSerializer
: handles requests and responses of XML formatted contentsKeyValueContentSerializer
: although thewww-form-urlencoded
format is not explicitly recommended in REST model, this serializer is a utility when passing multi-parted content to a remote service (eg. additional data to an image file)
Requests to a remote service can be optionally authenticated, given a strategy defined from implementations of IRequestAuthenticator
: when specified, in the client settings or in the request settings, this is invoked before any request is sent to the remote service.
var client = RestClient.Build(builder => builder
var response = client.SendAsync(request => request
.WithQueryString("grant_type", "password")
.WithQueryString("username", "tester")
.WithQueryString("password", "abc1234")
var response2 = client.SendAsync(request => request
.UseBasicAuthentication("developer", "dev1234")
The request-level authenticator overrides any authentication configured at client-settings level, if any. It is also possible to request that a specific request is not authenticated: in this case none of the authenticators specified will be invoked.