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A currated list of awesome scientific software, libraries and services.


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Awesome Science


Website version: Awesome Science.

A currated list of awesome scientific software, libraries and services.

Inspired by awesome-lists.


Massive open online courses.


Services helpful for scientific work.


Archives with scholarly articles.

  • E-Print
    • - E-Print archive for physics, mathematics, computer science, economics and engineering.
    • bioRxiv - Preprint server for biology.
    • ChemRxiv - Preprint server for chemistry.
    • medRxiv - Preprint server for health sciences.
    • PsyArXiv - Preprint service for the psychological sciences.
    • SocArXiv - Preprint service for the social sciences.
    • - Unorthodox and fringe science e-print archive (warning).
  • Libraries
    • HAL - Open archive for scholarly documents.
    • IEEE Xplore - IEEE archive.
    • Library Genesis - Shadow library for scientific and general-interest books (warning).
    • PeerJ - Open access peer-reviewed scientific mega journal covering research in the biological and medical sciences.
    • Z-Library - Shadow library project for file-sharing access to pirated scholarly journal articles, academic texts, and general-interest books without the permission of authors or payment to them (warning).
    • КиберЛенинка - Open science Russian library.
  • Search engines

Literature Management

Reference managers and literature organizers.

  • BibTeX - Reference management software for formatting lists of references (Open Source).
  • EndNote - Bibliography information and reference manager (EULA / Commercial).
  • JabRef - Reference manager (Open Source).
  • Mendeley - Reference and literature collection manager with PDFs annotation (EULA / Free).
  • Qiqqa - Reference manager and PDFs annotation (Open Source).
  • Zotero - Program for collecting, orginizing, synchronizing and citing scientific literature (Open Source).


Scientific communication.

Project Management

Scientific projects management.

  • Communication
    • Discord - Instant messaging and VoIP (EULA / Free).
    • - Cross-platform messenger based on Matrix protocol (Open Source).
    • Freenode - IRC-network (Open Source).
    • Slack - Business communication platform (EULA / Freemium).
    • Telegram Messenger - Instant messaging application with a bots platform (Open Source (client), Proprietary (server)).
  • Project Management
    • Azure DevOps - Version control, reporting, requirements management, project management and more (EULA / Freemium).
    • GitHub - Hosting for IT projects and version control. Can be used for general purpose projects (including scientific) (EULA / Freemium).
    • Jira - Bug tracking and agile project management (EULA / Freemium).
    • Kanboard - Kanban project management software (Open Source).
    • Notion - Note taking, wiki and project management application (EULA / Freemium).
    • Org mode - GNU Emacs major mode for keeping notes, authoring documents, computational notebooks, literate programming, maintaining to-do lists, planning projects, and more — in a fast and effective plain text system (Open Source).
    • Redmine - Flexible project management web application (Open Source).
    • Restyaboard - Kanban board for task management (Open Source).
    • Taiga Agile - Project management tool for multi-functional agile teams (Open Source).
    • Trello - Project management with kanban boards (EULA / Freemium).
    • Yandex.Tracker - Project management and organizational tool (EULA / Freemium).
  • Project Wiki
    • Confluence - Web-based corporate wiki (EULA / Freemium).
    • docsify - A magical documentation site generator (Open Source).
    • Docusaurus - A project for building, deploying, and maintaining open source project websites easily (Open Source).
    • Gatsby - A framework based on ReactJS, Webpack, JavaScript and CSS that helps developers quickly build very fast static websites and apps (Open Source).
    • GitBook - A modern documentation platform where teams can document everything from products to internal knowledge-bases and APIs (EULA / Freemium).
    • GitHub - Hosting for IT projects and version control. Can be used for general purpose projects (including scientific) (EULA / Freemium).
      • GitHub Pages - Websites for projects, hosted directly from GitHub repository (EULA / Freemium).
      • GitHub Wikis - GitHub repository's wiki to share long-form content about project (EULA / Freemium).
    • Jekyll - Simple, blog-aware, static sites (Open Source).
    • MkDocs - A fast, simple and downright gorgeous static site generator that's geared towards building project documentation (Open Source).
    • Notion - Note taking, wiki and project management application (EULA / Freemium).
    • Obsidian - Powerful knowledge base that works on top of a local folder of plain text Markdown files (EULA / Freemium).
    • Read the Docs - Read the Docs hosts documentation for the open source community (Open Source).
    • VuePress - Vue-powered Static Site Generator (Open Source).


Experimental device creation and automation tools.

  • Material and element base
    • AliExpress - Online retail service (including rich element and materials base).
    • eBay - Auction-style sales web site (including electrical equipment and etc.).
  • Software
    • Altium Designer - PCB and electronic design automation software package for printed circuit boards (EULA / Commercial).
    • AutoCAD - Computer-aided design (CAD) and drafting software application (EULA / Commercial).
    • - Diagram Software and Flowchart Maker (Open Source).
    • flowchart.js - Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram (Open Source).
    • FreeCAD - general-purpose parametric 3D computer-aided design (CAD) modeler and a building information modeling (BIM) software with finite element method (FEM) support (Open Source).
    • Intel Quartus Prime - Programmable logic device design software (EULA / Freemium).
    • KiCad - Suite for electronic design automation (EDA) (Open Source).
    • LibreOffice Draw - Vector graphical editor based on Apache OpenOffice Draw (Open Source).
    • mermaid - Markdownish syntax for generating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, gantt charts and git graphs (Open Source).
    • Microsoft Visio - Diagramming and vector graphics application (EULA / Commercial).
    • OpenOffice Draw - Vector graphical editor (Open Source).
    • SOLIDWORKS - Solid modeling computer-aided design (CAD) and computer-aided engineering (CAE) computer program (EULA / Commercial).


Modeling, domain-specific calculations and etc.

  • Universal
    • Blender - 3D computer graphics software toolset with ability to simulate physical, chemical, biological, ... systems with game engines (Open Source).
      • Armory - 3D game engine with full Blender integration (Open Source).
    • Godot Engine - 2D and 3D game engine (Open Source).
  • Chemistry
    • Quantum ESPRESSO - Suite for first-principles electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling (Open Source).
  • Physics / Engineering
    • Cirq - An open source framework for programming quantum computers (Open Source).
    • IBM Quantum Experience - Online platform for quantum processors prototyping (EULA / Free).
    • PennyLane - Python library for differentiable programming of quantum computers (Open Source).
    • Qiskit - An open source SDK for working with quantum computers at the level of pulses, circuits and application modules (Open Source).
    • Quantum ESPRESSO - Suite for first-principles electronic-structure calculations and materials modeling (Open Source).
    • QuTiP - Software for simulating the dynamics of open quantum systems (Open Source).
    • Simulink - Simulation and Model-Based Design (EULA / Commercial).
    • Strawberry Fields - Python library for simulating and executing programs on quantum photonic hardware (Open Source).
    • Xcos - Dynamic systems modeler and simulator in discrete and continuous time domains (Open Source).

Data Storage

Storages for scientific data.

Calculations and Data Processing

General-purpose calculations (numerical, analytical, symbolic) and data processing software, libraries and platforms.

  • Languages
    • Agda - Functional programming language and proof assistant.
    • C - Low-level general purpose language with high performance.
    • C++ - General purpose language with high performance.
    • Coq - Proof assistant.
    • Idris - Programming language and theorem prover.
    • Julia - Language for mathematical computations with high performance.
    • Lean - Programming language and theorem prover with extensive math library.
    • MATLAB - Programming and numeric platform (EULA).
    • Octave - Scientific programming language almost compatible with MATLAB.
    • Python - General purpose language with many scientific libraries.
      • Numba - JIT compiler that translates a subset of Python and NumPy code into fast machine code (Open Source).
    • R - Statistical computing and graphics.
    • Scilab - Software for numerical computation partially compatible with MATLAB.
    • Wolfram Language - Mathematical language.
      • Wolfram Mathematica - Computer algebra system, official implementation of Wolfram Language (EULA).
    • Universal binary formats, languages interaction
  • Libraries
    • Multi-language
      • Apache Arrow - Cross-language development platform for in-memory analytics (Open Source).
    • C/C++
      • Boost C++ Libraries - Free peer-reviewed portable C++ source libraries (Open Source).
      • Eigen - C++ template library for linear algebra (Open Source).
      • OpenCL - Open, royalty-free standard for cross-platform, parallel programming of diverse accelerators found in supercomputers, cloud servers, personal computers, mobile devices and embedded platforms (EULA).
      • PyTorch - Machine learning framework (Open Source).
      • ROOT - Data analysis framework for C++ (Open Source).
      • TensorFlow - Platform for machine learning (Open Source).
      • Xframe - C++ library meant for numerical analysis with multi-dimensional labeled array expressions (also referred as variable expressions) and data frame expressions (Open Source).
      • Xtensor - C++ library meant for numerical analysis with multi-dimensional array expressions (Open Source).
    • Go
      • Gonum - A set of packages designed to make writing numerical and scientific algorithms productive, performant, and scalable (Open Source).
      • TensorFlow - Platform for machine learning (Open Source).
    • Java
      • PyTorch - Machine learning framework (Open Source).
      • TensorFlow - Platform for machine learning (Open Source).
    • Python
      • Astropy - Community effort to develop a common core package for Astronomy in Python (Open Source).
      • Diofant - Python library for symbolic mathematics (fork of the SymPy).
      • Gensim - An open-source library for unsupervised topic modeling and natural language processing, using modern statistical machine learning (Open Source).
      • JAX - High performance array computing (Open Source).
      • NetworkX - A Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics, and functions of complex networks (Open Source).
      • Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK) - A suite of libraries and programs for symbolic and statistical natural language processing (NLP) for English written in the Python programming language (Open Source).
      • Open Neural Network Exchange (ONNX) - An open format built to represent machine learning models (Open Source).
      • PyTorch - Machine learning framework (Open Source).
      • scikit-learn - Machine learning library (Open Source).
      • SciPy - Ecosystem for mathematics, science and engineering based on Python (Open Source).
        • NumPy - Base N-dimensional array package (Open Source).
        • pandas - Data structures & analysis (Open Source).
        • SciPy library - Fundamental library for scientific computing (Open Source).
        • SymPy - Symbolic mathematics (Open Source).
      • statsmodels - Python module for statistical models (Open Source).
      • TensorFlow - Platform for machine learning (Open Source).
      • Tidyverse - R packages for data science (Open Source).
  • Platforms
    • Anaconda - Python and R distribution with many scientific libraries (Open Source / Freemium).
      • Conda - Package, dependency and environment management for any language—Python, R, Ruby, Lua, Scala, Java, JavaScript, C/ C++, FORTRAN, and more (Open Source).
      • Mamba - Fast, robust, and cross-platform package manager (Open Source).
    • JupyterLab / Jupyter Notebook - Interactive documents with live code, equations and visualization for many languages (Open Source).
      • Xeus Cling - Jupyter kernel for C++ based on the C++ interpreter cling and the native implementation of the Jupyter protocol xeus (Open Source).
    • Observable - Interactive JavaScript environment and dashboards (Open Source).
  • IDE / CAS
    • Axiom - General-purpose computer algebra system (Open Source).
    • Deepnote - Data science notebook for teams (EULA / Freemium).
    • GNU Octave - Mathematics-oriented language and IDE with visualization tools (Open Source).
    • Google Colaboratory - Python code in browser with access to GPU and TPU (EULA / Free).
    • Google Docs - Online office with spreadsheet (EULA / Free).
    • Juno - Julia IDE based on Atom text editor (Open Source).
    • LabVIEW - Visual programming IDE for engineers (EULA / Commercial).
    • LibreOffice Calc - WYSWYG table processor based on Apache OpenOffice Calc (Open Source).
    • Magma - a computer algebra system designed to solve problems in algebra, number theory, geometry and combinatorics (EULA / Free).
    • Maple - A symbolic and numeric computing environment as well as a multi-paradigm programming language (EULA / Commercial).
    • Mathcad - Math software for engineering (EULA / Commercial).
    • MATLAB - Mathematics and graphics for engineers and scientists (EULA / Commercial).
    • Maxima - A system for the manipulation of symbolic and numerical expressions, including differentiation, integration, Taylor series and etc (Open Source).
    • Microsoft Excel - Spreadsheet with calculations, graphing and macro programming (EULA / Commercial).
    • Microsoft Power BI - Data visualization (EULA / Commercial).
    • ONLYOFFICE - Office almost fully compatible with Microsoft Office (Open Source).
    • OpenOffice Calc - WYSWYG table processor (Open Source).
    • Orange - Data mining tools (Open Source).
    • OriginLab - Graphing and data analysis (EULA / Commercial).
    • PAST (Paleontological Statistics) - Software for scientific data analysis, with functions for data manipulation, plotting, univariate and multivariate statistics, ecological analysis, time series and spatial analysis, morphometrics and stratigraphy (EULA / Free).
    • PyCharm - The Python IDE for Professional Developers (includes scientific tools) (Open Source or EULA / Commercial).
    • RStudio - IDE for R language (Open Source).
    • SageMath - Mathematics software system (Open Source).
    • SciDAVis - Scientific data analysis and visualization (Open Source).
    • SciLab - Software for numerical computation (Open Source).
    • SMath Studio - Tiny, powerful, free mathematical program with WYSIWYG editor and complete units of measurements support (EULA / Free).
    • Spyder - Scientific Python IDE (Open Source).
    • Wolfram Mathematica - Technical calculations (EULA / Commercial).

Data Visualization

Data visualization software and libraries.

  • Asymptote - Vector graphics language (Open Source).
  • Bokeh - An interactive visualization library for modern web browsers (Open Source).
  • D3 - JavaScript library for data visualization (Open Source).
  • - Diagram Software and Flowchart Maker (Open Source).
  • flowchart.js - Draws simple SVG flow chart diagrams from textual representation of the diagram (Open Source).
  • Gadfly.jl - Plotting and visualization system in Julia (Open Source).
  • ggplot2 - Declarative graphics system for R, part of Tidyverse (Open Source).
  • gnuplot - Portable command-line driven graphing utility (Open Source).
  • Grafana - Multi-platform open source analytics and interactive visualization web application (Open Source).
  • LibreOffice Draw - Vector graphical editor based on Apache OpenOffice Draw (Open Source).
  • Manim - Engine for precise programmatic animations, designed for creating explanatory math videos (community edition) (Open Source).
  • ManimGL - Engine for precise programmatic animations, designed for creating explanatory math videos (original) (Open Source).
  • Makie - Interactive data visualizations and plotting in Julia (Open Source).
  • Matplotlib - Visualization library for Python (Open Source).
    • seaborn - Library for making statistical graphics in Python (Open Source).
  • Mayavi - 3D scientific data visualization and plotting in Python for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) (Open Source).
  • mermaid - Markdownish syntax for generating flowcharts, sequence diagrams, class diagrams, gantt charts and git graphs (Open Source).
  • Microsoft Visio - Diagramming and vector graphics application (EULA / Commercial).
  • Observable - Interactive JavaScript environment and dashboards (Open Source).
  • Observable Plot - JavaScript library for data visualization (Open Source).
  • OpenOffice Draw - Vector graphical editor (Open Source).
  • ParaView - Open-source, multi-platform data analysis and visualization application (Open Source).
  • PGF/TikZ - Portable graphic format for TeX (Open Source).
  • Plotly - Library for data visualization and dashboards (Open Source).
    • Dash - A productive Python framework for building web analytic applications (Open Source).
  • PyQtGraph - Scientific Graphics and GUI Library for Python (Open Source).
  • PyVista - 3D plotting and mesh analysis through a streamlined interface for the Visualization Toolkit (VTK) (Open Source).
  • QCustomPlot - Qt C++ widget for plotting and data visualization (Open Source).
  • Shiny - An R package that makes it easy to build interactive web apps straight from R (Open Source).
  • Vega - Visualization grammar (Open Source).
  • VTK - 3D computer graphics toolkit (Open Source).


Presentation of your project.

  • beamer - LaTeX class for producting slides (Open Source).
  • Google Docs - Online office with presentations (EULA / Free).
  • LibreOffice Impress - A presentation program based on Apache OpenOffice Impress (Open Source).
  • Marp - Markdown Presentation Ecosystem (Open Source).
  • Microsoft PowerPoint - WYSWYG text processor (EULA / Commercial).
  • ONLYOFFICE - Office almost fully compatible with Microsoft Office (Open Source).
  • OpenOffice Impress - A presentation program (Open Source).
  • Quarto - Publishing system with styled Pandoc converters (Open Source).
  • reveal.js - The HTML presentation framework (Open Source).


Instruments for article writing and publishing.

  • Formats
    • AsciiDoc - Text document format for writing articles, books. Supports AsciiMath, MathML and LaTeX formulas.
    • Jupyter Notebook - Interactive documents with live code, equations and visualization for many languages.
    • LaTeX - De facto standard for the publication of scientific documents.
    • Markdown - Lightweight markup language and text-to-HTML conversion tool. Some converters are supporting LaTeX math, diagrams and so on.
    • R Markdown - Dynamic documents for R language and more.
    • reStructuredText - Plaintext markup syntax and parser system (natively supports LaTeX math).
    • Typst - Scientific documents format, full-featured alternative to LaTeX.
    • Math typesetting
      • KaTeX - The fastest math typesetting library for the web.
      • LaTeX - Markup language with math expressions.
      • MathJax - A JavaScript display engine for mathematics that works in all browsers.
      • MathML - Mathematical markup language, an application of XML for describing mathematical notations and capturing both its structure and content.
    • Converters
      • Asciidoctor - A fast, open source text processor and publishing toolchain for converting AsciiDoc content to HTML5, DocBook, PDF, and other formats.
      • Docutils - Plaintext processor.
      • Pandoc - Markup formats converter, including LaTeX, Word (docx), Power Point (pptx), Markdown, Typst and other.
      • Quarto - Publishing system with styled Pandoc converters.
  • Programs
    • Atom - High extensible text editor built on Electron framework (Open Source).
      • Plugins
        • Markdown Preview Enhanced - Powerful markdown extension for Atom and Visual Studio Code with LaTeX math, diagrams and etc. support (Open Source).
    • Google Docs - Online office with word processor (EULA / Free).
    • LibreOffice Writer - WYSWYG text processor based on Apache OpenOffice Writer (Open Source).
      • LibreOffice Math - An application designed for creating and editing mathematical formulae based on Apache OpenOffice Math (Open Source).
    • LyX - A document processor that encourages an approach to writing based on the structure of your documents (WYSIWYM) and not simply their appearance (WYSIWYG) (Open Source).
    • MathType - A powerful interactive equation editor (EULA / Commercial).
    • Microsoft Word - WYSWYG text processor (EULA / Commercial).
    • ONLYOFFICE - Office almost fully compatible with Microsoft Office (Open Source).
    • OpenOffice Writer - WYSWYG text processor (Open Source).
      • OpenOffice Math - A tool for creating and editing mathematical formulae (Open Source).
    • Overleaf - Online LaTeX Editor (Open Source / Freemium).
    • Visual Studio Code
      • CodeSandbox - Online Code Editor and IDE for Rapid Web Development (Open Source (client), Proprietary (server)).
      • Codespaces - Online development environment, hosted by GitHub and powered by Visual Studio Code, that allows you to develop entirely in the cloud (EULA / Free).
      • Visual Studio Code - High extensible text editor (Open Source).
      • VSCodium - High extensible text editor based on Visual Studio Code (Open Source).
      • Plugins
        • Markdown Preview Enhanced - Powerful markdown extension for Atom and Visual Studio Code with LaTeX math, diagrams and etc. support (Open Source).
    • StackEdit - In-browser Markdown editor (Open Source).


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