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AMP Filters

Initial install

Install NodeJS and npm.

Install gulp globally:

$ sudo npm install -g gulp

Install all of the package.json dependencies locally. Run this command from inside this folder.

$ npm install


Call npm install after each pull to make sure latest build plugins are there.

$ npm install

When adding new dev/build dependencies, use the --save-dev option for npm so that they are added to package.json, so that other developers can keep up to date. Make sure to commit the updated package.json to version control when you commit.

$ npm install jshint --save-dev


All commands are automated with gulp, and configured in gulpfile.js.

Lint javascript and css sources

$ gulp lint

Javascript sources will also be linted when running gulp dev, check the terminal logs for issues.

Please always lint your code :)

Production builds

Compiled versions for testing and distribution are in dist/. The amp-filter.js version in dist is uglified. Under src/compiled-js/amp-filter.js you can find the original, more readable, version

$ gulp build

The older way of handling amp-filters (before gulp was introduced) is still available.

You can also still run it outside gulp by doing:

Broserify must be installed and on the $PATH:

$ browserify src/main.js -t brfs -s ampFilter -o dist/amp-filter.js
$ uglifyjs ./dist/amp-filter.js > ./dist/amp-filter.min.js

You can also use watchify with the same arguments, for development:

$ watchify src/main.js -t brfs -s ampFilter -o dist/amp-filter.js


The lessc compiler must be installed and on the $PATH:

$ sudo npm install -g less
$ lessc src/less/amp-filters.less > dist/amp-filter.css



$ rm -r dist/img && cp -r src/img dist/img