This is tic-tac-toe game realisation on Spring Boot framework with use of Spring jpa, REST controller, in-memory database (h2) for backend and thymeleaf template engine, JQuery for frontend user interface. Made for training and practising in javaEE.
- Compile to JAR archive (comes with Tomcat server by default), run in java environment.
- Browser entry point: http://localhost:8080
Project has a RESTfull realisation of game pipeline. Pathways are as follows:
/api/tictactoe/game/newgame (POST) requires params: "player" - name of player. Success: creates a new game instance in the DB, returns HttpStatus 200 and json serialisation of this game object. Failure: returns HttpStatus 400.
/api/tictactoe/game/{id}/connect (POST) requires params: "player" - name of player, pathvariable {id} - ID of pending game. Success: join a specified game instance, returns HttpStatus 200 and json serialisation of this game object. Failure: returns HttpStatus 400.
/api/tictactoe/game/{id}/currentstate (GET) requires params: pathvariable {id} - ID of pending game. Success: returns HttpStatus 200 and json serialisation of game object specified by ID. Failure: returns HttpStatus 400.
/api/tictactoe/game/{id}/getwinner (GET) requires params: pathvariable {id} - ID of pending game. Success: returns HttpStatus 200 and json serialisation of player object who won the game (if any), which is specified by id. Failure: returns HttpStatus 400.
/api/tictactoe/game/{id}/move (POST) requires params: pathvariable {id} - ID of pending game, "move" - id of field, "player" name of player. "move" is a parameter from standart tic-tac field (a1,a2,a3,b1,b2,b3,c1,c2,c3), to which the specified player can move. Success: returns HttpStatus 200. Failure: returns HttpStatus 400.
/api/tictactoe/game/{id}/endgame (POST) requires params: pathvariable {id} - ID of pending game. This command ends the specified game without winner calculation (draw). Success: returns HttpStatus 200. Failure: returns HttpStatus 400.
Written by Sergey Sorokin,