MirenStudio is open source Vtuber software.
- The software works on Windows 10 with some installation.
- The software is composed of a client part(Unity) and a server part(face detection), and two parts communicate by using Namedpipe.
- Currently, it only works on Unity and Unity editor with VRM model. We are considering applying Live2D, FBX, or other model formats.
- Everyone can use their client with the server part. If you are considering making your client part, please check communication codes.
- .NET 5.0 Runtime x64
- cuda 10.2 (not 10.1, 11.0)
- cuDNN 8.0 for cuda 10.2
- Import UniVRM package in unity project.
- Face detection: RetinaFace, Single-stage Dense Face Localisation in the Wild (CVPR 2020)
- Facial landmark detection: PFLD, A Practical Facial Landmark Detector
- Face pose: SolvePnP in OpenCVSharp
- Gaze estimation: Laser-Eye, GazeML (with some modification)
We are looking forward to more stable and high accuracy machine learning components. If there is a more suitable ML network, please contribute!