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This project is meant to serve as a baseline template project for getting tests implemented easier in to your NetSuite projects. Use these stubs for modules which are imported to other NetSuite SuiteCloud projects.

Using the directory path /SuiteScript/..., we can provide aliases locally for these modules while still being available in NetSuite -- as the root directory for SuiteScript files in NetSuite is /SuiteScripts/.

This project pairs with the NetSuite-CustomModules-Template tutorial/template project.

🎉 Getting Started

  1. Open ./package.json and customize the project configuration
  2. Run npm i to install project dependencies
  3. Add your module path aliases to customJestStubs.js
  4. Create a local environment variable NPM_TOKEN using your NPM token for the value
  5. Publish your npm package using npm publish

🧐 Notable Files

  • README.hbs -- Base template file the project is generated from
  • npmrc -- NPM environment token loader file for publishing project
  • docsMD.config -- Wiki MD generator from JSDoc notations
  • jsDocsConf.json -- JSDocs configuration file

🔨 Scripts

Use npm run <script> to execute various commands for the project

  • npm run docs -- Generates project documentation based on JSDoc notations (Configure with docsMD.config && jsDocsConf.json)
  • npm run open-docs -- Opens documentation in browser for viewing


Azure yaml pipeline files are provided in .ci/workflows.



Your custom NetSuite module A


Your custom NetSuite module B


Your custom NetSuite module A

Summary: This is example stub of custom NetSuite module A. It may or may not be in your SuiteCloud project. Update your jest.config.js to map this module from the stub pkg to your local project if it is available. See project jest.config.js for further examples of this.
Napiversion: 2.1
Since: 2022.2
Version: 1.0.0
License: NApiVersion

aModule(query, log) ⏏

NetSuite module A export function

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Description
query Object NS query module
log Object NS log module

aModule.GetVendorPrefix(vendorId) ⇒ String

Returns preferred vendor prefix from record or blank if no prefix is located

Kind: static method of aModule

Param Type Description
vendorId String Entity ID of vendor Ex: 4321

aModule.RunQuery(vendorId) ⇒ String

Returns query result of vendor prefix from vendor record

Kind: static method of aModule
Returns: String - - Returns vendor prefix string from query result
Access: protected

Param Type Description
vendorId String Vendor entity ID to run query on


Your custom NetSuite module B

Napiversion: 2.1
Since: 2022.2
Version: 1.0.0
License: NApiVersion

bModule(log) ⏏

NetSuite module B export function

Kind: Exported function

Param Type Description
log Object NS log module

bModule.set_CustomFieldValue(options) ⇒ undefined

Example set custom body field value for record

Kind: static method of bModule

Param Type Description
options Object Object of parameters for setting custom body field
options.currentRecord Record NS Record Object to update
options.fieldId String Field id on record object to update value on
options.value String Value to set record field to

Happy Coding! 🥳