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dendmicap edited this page Jun 30, 2022 · 4 revisions


The example application consists of two services that communicate through Kafka topics.

The booking-service sends newly created bookings to the Kafka bookings topic. The ship-service listens for incoming events (new bookings). After the ship-service receives a booking, it verifies if it is possible to execute the booking. The condition is that there are enough available containers on the requested ship. If it is, then the booking gets confirmed. Otherwise, it gets rejected. The response, which is visualized as bookingStatus, is then sent back to the bookings topic and the booking-service listen to this topic. Only when the response is consumed, the bookingStatus gets updated.


There are 3 possible outcomes, which are visualized as bookingStatus: REQUESTED, CONFIRMED, CANCELED. The bookingStatus of newly requested bookings, which are sent from booking-service to bookings, is REQUESTED. The booking of a ship with enough available containers will result in CONFIRMED.

However, there might be some cases when a booking will not be confirmed. If a ship with not enough containers is booked, the booking is not possible and hence gives CANCELED in the bookingStatus. Furthermore, when an already booked ship is damaged, the ship-service will then send this new response to Kafka ship-damaged topic. Afterwards, the bookingStatus is updated to CANCELED.



The following are the necessary tech stacks that are needed to be installed before running a spring kafka application:

  • Apache Kafka

  • Zookeeper


  • Docker images (container that includes both Kafka Message Broker and Zookeeper)

Topics Creation

The booking-service automatically creates the necessary topics on application startup by defining beans as followed:

public NewTopic bookings() {

This creates the bookings topic with two partitions. The method compact() enables log compaction on the topic. A topic with log compaction removes any old records when there is a more recent update with the same primary key. This is optional and needs to be decided on a case-by-case basis.

The creation of all necessary topics can be found in class BookingComponentMessagingGateway, in which the Messaging Gateway pattern is implemented. The class basically isolates messaging-specific functionalities (necessary codes to send or receive a message) from the rest of the application code. Hence, only the Messaging Gate code is aware of the messaging system.

Within the class, another topic called shipDamagedTopic is defined and used to fetch messages whenever the ship-service informs the booking-service that the booked ship is currently damaged.

    public NewTopic shipDamagedTopic(){

The booking-service receives events from the ship-service. Every booking event contains an id, which was set by the booking-service.

Add new booking (Sending messages):

After the topics are created, the subsequent step is to send messages to it. spring-kafka simplifies sending messages to topics with the class KafkaTemplate<K,V>, which provides methods for sending messages to Kafka topics in a feasible way.

private final KafkaTemplate<Long, Object> longTemplate;
public <T> void sendMessage(String topic, Long key, T message) {"Sending message : {}", message.toString());
        longTemplate.send(topic, key, message);

The send API will send the message to the provided topic with the provided key. It returns a ListenableFuture object after a send. The sendMessage function is for example implemented for adding a new booking, which can be seen in class BookingComponentBusinessLogic. The new booking with its own associated id (which is retrieved using getId()) and the number of requested containers given by the customer is sent to bookings topic with the booking as message.

@Transactional(rollbackFor = {CustomerNotFoundException.class})
    public Booking addBooking(Long customerId, BookingCreateDTO bookingCreateDTO) throws CustomerNotFoundException{
        Optional<Customer> optionalCustomer = customerRepository.findById(customerId);

        if (optionalCustomer.isPresent()) {
            Customer customer = optionalCustomer.get();

            //Booking booking =;
            Booking booking = Booking(bookingCreateDTO.getShipId(), bookingCreateDTO.getContainerCount()));


            bookingComponentMessagingGateway.sendMessage("bookings", booking.getId(), booking);

            return booking;
        } else {
            throw new CustomerNotFoundException(customerId);

It is important to note that the status of the newly created booking is REQUESTED. The status of the bookings is managed by BookingStatus, which is an enum. The other constants within this enum are CONFIRMED and CANCELED.

onBookingEvent, listenBooking (Receiving messages):

The booking is then consumed via bookings topic by ship-service and will be checked, if that booking already existed in the system or the ship that would be booked also exists. The process can be found in class ShipRestController.

@KafkaListener(id = "bookings", topics = "bookings", groupId = "ship")
    public void onBookingEvent(Booking booking) throws ShipNotFoundException, BookingAlreadyConfirmedException {"Received: {}", booking);

The booking can be confirmed through confirmBooking function, which can be found in ShipComponentLogic class. Firstly, it will check if the status of this newly created booking is already confirmed or not. If it is, then BookingAlreadyConfirmedException will be thrown. If it's newly created, the ship that'll be booked is checked whether there's enough available container or not. If there is not enough available containers, the booking is cancelled (BookingStatus.CANCELED). Otherwise, it will be confirmed (BookingStatus.CONFIRMED) and this confirmation is afterwards sent to the ship-bookings topic.

@Transactional(rollbackFor = {BookingAlreadyConfirmedException.class})
    public void confirmBooking(Booking booking) throws BookingAlreadyConfirmedException, ShipNotFoundException {
        Ship ship = shipRepository.findById(booking.getShipId()).orElseThrow(() -> new ShipNotFoundException(booking.getShipId()));"Found: {}", ship);

        if (booking.getBookingStatus() == BookingStatus.CONFIRMED) {
            throw new BookingAlreadyConfirmedException(booking.getId());
        } else if (booking.getBookingStatus().equals(BookingStatus.REQUESTED)) {
            if(booking.getContainerCount() < ship.getAvailableContainers()){
                ship.setAvailableContainers(ship.getAvailableContainers() - booking.getContainerCount());
            } else {

        template.send("ship-bookings", booking.getId(), booking);"Sent: {}", booking);

The confirmation is finally consumed by booking-service, in which the booking is processed, hence updating the booking status to CONFIRMED.

@KafkaListener(id ="ship-bookings", topics = "ship-bookings", groupId = "booking")
    public void listenBooking(Booking booking) throws BookingNotFoundException {"Received message: {}", booking.toString());


SLF4J (Simple Logging Facade for Java) is used for additional logging. It is an abstraction layer for different Java logging frameworks, such as Log4j2 or logback.

The general pattern (common solution) for accessing loggers by defining logger as static final instance is no longer recommended, as well as defining logger as instance variable (as used to recommend). For example, in ShipComponentLogic, the log is declared as static final instance as following:

private static final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShipComponentLogic.class);

In BookingComponentMessagingGateway, the log is defined as instance variable as following:

private final Logger LOG = LoggerFactory.getLogger(getClass());

Further comparison and explanation between these two different declarations can be found in

SLF4J standardized the logging levels, which are different for the particular implementations. The usage of SLF4J is straightforward yet adaptable, allowing for better readability and performance.

The logging levels used in SLF4J are: TRACE, INFO, DEBUG, ERROR, and WARN. FATAL logging level (introduced in Log4j) is removed in SLF4J due to redundancy ( as well as due to the fact that we should not determine when to terminate an application in a logging framework (


In this sample application, tracing implementations are supported by Spring Cloud Sleuth. Sleuth seamlessly interfaces with logging frameworks such as SLF4J and logback to add unique IDs that aid in the tracking and diagnosis of issues leveraging logs. Before it is implemented, its dependency must be defined in build.gradle file as following:

dependencyManagement {
	imports {
		mavenBom ""

dependencies {
    implementation ''

Once added within the application, Spring Cloud Sleuth automatically formats the logs that contain traceId and spanId. Below you can see the logs when the application just started and when a customer just booked a ship.

2022-06-13 22:01:16.243  INFO [shipkafka,bd2025db4480982a,bd2025db4480982a] 14272 --- [nio-8080-exec-5] o.a.kafka.common.utils.AppInfoParser     : Kafka startTimeMs: 1655150476243
2022-06-13 22:01:16.430  INFO [shipkafka,bd2025db4480982a,cfcad1e77644ff13] 14272 --- [ bookings-0-C-1] c.d.s.s.api.ShipRestController           : Received: Booking(createdOn=Mon Jun 13 22:01:16 CEST 2022, id=12, lastUpdatedOn=Mon Jun 13 22:01:16 CEST 2022, containerCount=2, shipId=4, bookingStatus=REQUESTED, version=0)

The part of normal log with additional core information from Spring Sleuth follows the format of: [application name, traceId, spanId]

  • Application name - name that is set in the properties file/settings.gradle file. It can be used to aggregate logs from multiple instances of the same application.
  • traceId - unique identifier for a specific job, request, or action. It is the same across all microservices.
  • spanId - unique identifier that tracks a unit of work. It is assigned to each operation and therefore can be vary depends on what request is performed.

Once the application is started, the traceID and spanID will be the same by default.

Further reading:,that%20consists%20of%20multiple%20steps.


Failures in a distributed system may happen, i.e. failed message process, network errors, runtime exceptions. Therefore, the retry logic implementation is something essential to have.

It is important to note that Retries in Kafka can be quickly implemented at the consumer side. This is known as Simple Blocking Retries. To accomplish visible error handling without causing real-time disruption, Non-Blocking Retries and Dead Letter Topics are implemented.

Non-Blocking Retries can easily be added to a listener:

@RetryableTopic(attempts = "3", backoff = @Backoff(delay = 2_000, maxDelay = 10_000, multiplier = 2))
@KafkaListener(id = "bookings", topics = "bookings", groupId = "ship")
public void listenBookings(Booking booking){

public void listenBookingsDlt(Booking booking){"Received DLT message: {}", booking);

In this example the @RetryableTopic annotation attempts to process a received message 3 times. The first retry is done after a delay of 2 seconds. Each further attempt multiplies the delay by 2 with a max delay of 10 seconds. If the message couldn't be processed, it gets send to the deadletter topic annotated with @DltHandler.


Each retry creates a new topic like in the example above.

DLT creates a topic for messages that could not get processed. The topic gets named like the example below:
