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Business API documentation

sakshi1805 edited this page Jun 23, 2022 · 6 revisions

Business API documentation

C4 architecture

The hierarchy of these diagrams allows us to understand the software architecture at the level of detail we need.

Below is the context diagram describing the Powerboard system and the other software systems it interacts with.


Below is the container diagram that zooms into the powerboard system and shows different containers that make up this system.


Business API Structure

Business API is built using devon4node. Business API is structured by creating following modules other than app module.

Ad Center

This module involves all operations regarding AD Center Repository.


This module has two sub modules.
1. Auth: It is responsible to Authenticate the user.
2. User: It is responsible for all the operations related to User.


This module is responsible for Sprint Details and 5 KPI's (Team Spirit, Client Satisfaction, Code Quality, Burndown and Velocity).


This module responsible to send email notifications to users using simple email service.

File Storage

This Module is responsible to add and delete files in cloud.


This module is responsible to do operations regarding files on database and cloud.


This module consists of commonly used exceptions, filters, interfaces, loggers and models.

Team Links

This module is responsible for all operations regarding links of a team.


This module is responsible for add, remove, view and edit teams.


This module is responsible for authorization of a user.

General Structure of Module
Each module follows below structure except shared module.

  • Controller
  • Model
    1. DTO
    2. Entities
  • Services