:toc: macro toc::[] :idprefix: :idseparator: - ifdef::env-github[] :tip-caption: :bulb: :note-caption: :information_source: :important-caption: :heavy_exclamation_mark: :caution-caption: :fire: :warning-caption: :warning: endif::[] = Design image::images/jumpthequeue/scene.png[JumpTheQueue Scene] == Introduction When visiting public (free) or private (paid) events there are often large queues creating significant waiting times. Ideally the organizer of the event would like to streamline the entry of people into the venue. If people were to arrive right on time they could get into line more efficiently. A website or application could support this process by assigning visitors a queue number. This document describes the design of such a website/application, appropriately named _JumpTheQueue_. [NOTE] ==== This document is intended to reflect a real world use case. The design takes this into account by trying to be complete. The implementation however is simplified in order to be more comprehensible. The :information_source: symbol is denoted on this page, where implementation diverges from design, followed by a short comment about the nature of the difference. ==== == User Stories (by Visitors of an Event) ---- As a < type of user >, I want < some goal > so that < some reason >. ---- === Epic: Register Event As a visitor of an event, I want to use a website or an app, which -- after registration -- provides me with a number (and optional date/time), so I can get convenient access to the event. === User Story: Register As a user of _JumpTheQueue_, I want to register with my name, username, password and phone number, comply with the requirements and obtain my queue number. ==== Acceptance Criteria A full name (first name / last name) is mandatory. This name as well as the username, password and telephone number must be valid. === User Story: Terms and Conditions As a user of _JumpTheQueue_, I accept that the organizer of the event can store my personal data and send me commercial notices (aka “spam”). ==== Acceptance Criteria The terms and conditions must be accepted by ticking the corresponding check boxes. === User Story: Join a Queue As a user of _JumpTheQueue_, I want to join the queue at the event. === User Story: List Queued Visitors As a user of _JumpTheQueue_, I want to see which queue number is currently being processed and what my own queue number is. Optionally, I want to know the estimated remaining time until it's my turn. [NOTE] ==== The "remaining time" feature is not further developed/implemented. ==== === User Story: Leave the Queue As a user of _JumpTheQueue_, I want to be able to leave a queue I previously joined. === User Story: Verify contact data As a user of _JumpTheQueue_, I have to confirm either my E-Mail address or my phone number by entering a code which was sent to me, so my contact-data can be verified. [NOTE] ==== This feature is not further developed/implemented. ==== == User Interface === Flow .The basic flow of the application. image::images/jumpthequeue/flow.png[JumpTheQueue App Flow, 450] * for new users: fill in a form with your private data (first name, last name, phone number), choose a username and password, tick the box(es) to accept the terms and conditions and finally press a button to “register” * for returning users: enter username and password and press a button to "login" * in case of validation errors, a suitable error message will be shown * if there are no errors an access code will be generated, which will be shown on the following page (this code can optionally be appended with the access date/time) * this page could also show a visualization of the queue, listing all currently queued visitors === Mock-Ups .The pages/views of the application. image::images/jumpthequeue/mockups.png[JumpTheQueue Mock-Up, 800] == Model .The logical components of the application and their interactions. image::images/jumpthequeue/model.png[JumpTheQueue Model, 650] .Each event has multiple queues, each queue holds multiple visitors with access codes. image::images/jumpthequeue/event.png[JumpTheQueue Event, 650] [NOTE] ==== The "Event" item is not further developed/implemented. ==== == Predicates ==== _Definition_:: ---- < function name > = < parameters > => < *pure* function > ---- _or_:: ---- < function name > = trivial : < trivial description > ---- ==== ==== [subs=+macros] ---- isnull = (v) => v === null notnull = (v) => !isnull(v) isempty = (s: string) => s.length === 0 notempty = (s: string) => !notempty(s) isEmailAddress = trivial: notnull + notempty + pass:quotes[_consists of_] @ isTelephoneNumber = trivial: notnull + notempty + pass:quotes[_consists of sequence of numbers or spaces (i.e. “4 84 28 81”)_] ---- ==== == Types ==== _Definition_:: [subs=+macros] ---- type < alias > :: < type defs > with predicated: < list of predicates > ---- _or_:: ---- type < alias > :: trivial: < trivial description > ---- ==== ==== [subs=+macros] ---- type ID :: trivial: Unique Atomic Identifier type NamedItem :: string with predicates: notnull, notempty type EmailAddress :: string with predicates: isEmailAddress type TelephoneNumber :: string with predicates: isTelephoneNumber type Option :: None | T type Result :: Error | T type Error :: trivial: Error information with code & error description ---- ==== == Entities & Value Objects [cols="2", options="header"] |=========================== 2+|`Visitor` (Entity) s|Field s|Type |`Id` |ID |`Username` |`NamedItem` |`Name` |`NamedItem` |`Password` |`NamedItem` |`PhoneNumber` |Option< `TelephoneNumber` > |`AcceptedComercial` |`boolean` |`AcceptedTerms` |`boolean` |`UserType` |`boolean` |=========================== [cols="2", options="header"] |=========================== 2+|`AccessCode` (Entity) s|Field s|Type |`Id` |ID |`Ticketnumber` |`NamedItem` |`StartTime` |Option< `DateTime` > |`EndTime` |Option< `DateTime` > |`StartTime` |Option< `DateTime` > |`Visitor` |`NamedItem` |`Queue` |`NamedItem` |=========================== [cols="2", options="header"] |=========================== 2+|`DailyQueue` (Entity) s|Field s|Type |`Id` |ID |`Name` |`NamedItem` |`Logo` |`NamedItem` |`AttentionTime` |Option< `DateTime` > |`MinAttentionTime` |Option< `DateTime` > |`Active` |`boolean` |`Customers` |`NamedItem` |=========================== There must be a 1 - 1 relationship between a `Visitor` and a `VisitorTicker`. ''' *Next Chapter*: link:devon4j-overview[devon4j Overview]