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dsf mirabaud jenkins gitLab integration

jodacalc edited this page Jun 6, 2019 · 3 revisions

Jenkins - GitLab integration

The first step to have a Continuous Integration system for your development is to make sure that all your changes to your team’s remote repository are evaluated by the time they are pushed. That usually implies the usage of so-called webhooks. You’ll find a fancy explanation about what Webhooks are in here.

To resume what we’re doing here, we are going to prepare our Jenkins and our GitLab so when a developer pushes some changes to the GitLab repository, a pipeline in Jenkins gets triggered. Just like that, in an automatic way.

1. Jenkins GitLab plugin

As it usually happens, some Jenkins plug-in(s) must be installed. In this case, let’s install those related with GitLab:

jenkins gitlab plugins

2. GitLab API Token

To communicate with GitLab from Jenkins, we will need to create an authentication token from your GitLab user settings. A good practice for this would be to create it from a machine user. Something like (i.e.) devonfw-ci/******.

gitlab access token

Simply by adding a name to it and a date for it expire is enough:

gitlab access token generation
gitlab access token generated

As GitLab saids, you should make sure you don’t lose your token. Otherwise you would need to create a new one.

This will allow Jenkins to connect with right permissions to our GitLab server.

3. Create "GitLab API" Token credentials

Thos credentials will use that token already generated in GitLab to connect once we declare the GitLab server in the Global Jenkins configuration. Obviously, those credentials must be GitLab API token-like.

jenkins gitlab api token credentials kind

Then, we add the generated token in the API token field:

jenkins gitlab api token credentials complete

Look in your Global credentials if they had been correctly created:

jenkins gitlab api token credentials

4. Create GitLab connection in Jenkins

Specify a GitLab connection in your Jenkins’s Manage Jenkins > Configure System configuration. This will tell Jenkins where is our GitLab server, a user to access it from and so on.

You’ll need to give it a name, for example, related with what this GitLab is dedicated for (specific clients, internal projects…​). Then, the Gitlab host URL is just where your GitLab server is. If you have it locally, that field should look similar to:

  • Connection name: my-local-gitlab

  • Gitlab host URL: http://localhost:

Finally, we select our recently GitLab API token as credentials.

jenkins gitlab connection

5. Jenkins Pipeline changes

5.1 Choose GitLab connection in Pipeline’s General configuration

First, our pipeline should allow us to add a GitLab connection to connect to (the already created one).

jenkins pipeline gitlab connection

In the case of the local example, could be like this:

  • GitLab connection: my-local-gitlab

  • GitLab Repository Name: myusername/webhook-test (for example)

5.2 Create a Build Trigger

  1. You should already see your GitLab project’s URL (as you stated in the General settings of the Pipeline).

  2. Write .*build.* in the comment for triggering a build

  3. Specify or filter the branch of your repo you want use as target. That means, whenever a git action is done to that branch (for exapmle, master), this Pipeline is going to be built.

  4. Generate a Secret token (to be added in the yet-to-be-created GitLab webhook).

jenkins pipeline build trigger

6. GitLab Webhook

  1. Go to you GitLab project’s Settings > Integration section.

  2. Add the path to your Jenkins Pipeline. Make sure you add project instead of job in the path.

  3. Paste the generated Secret token of your Jenkins pipeline

  4. Select your git action that will trigger the build.

gitlab webhook

7. Results

After all those steps you shoul have a result similar to this in your Pipeline:

jenkins pipeline result

Enjoy the Continuous Integration! :)

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