= Customize Openshift Origin for devonfw This is a guide to customize Openshift cluster. == Images Styles The icons for templates must measure the same as below or the images don't show right: * `Openshift logo`: 230px x 40px. * `Template logo`: 50px x 50px. * `Category logo`: 110px x 36px. == How to use To use it, we need to enter in openshift as an admin and use the next command: [source,Shell] ---- $ oc login $ oc edit configmap/webconsole-config -n openshift-web-console ---- After this, we can see in our shell the webconsole-config.yaml, we only need to navigate until *extensions* and add the url for our own `css` in the *stylesheetURLs* and `javascript` in the *scriptURLs* section. *IMPORTANT: Scripts and stylesheets must be served with the correct content type or they will not be run by the browser. Scripts must be served with Content-Type: application/javascript and stylesheets with Content-Type: text/css.* In git repositories, the content type of raw is text/plain. You can use https://rawgit.com/[rawgit] to convert a raw from a git repository to the correct content type. Example: [source,YAML] ---- webconsole-config.yaml: | [...] extensions: scriptURLs: - https://cdn.rawgit.com/devonfw/devonfw-shop-floor/master/dsf4openshift/openshift-cluster-setup/initial-setup/customizeOpenshift/scripts/catalog-categories.js stylesheetURLs: - https://cdn.rawgit.com/devonfw/devonfw-shop-floor/master/dsf4openshift/openshift-cluster-setup/initial-setup/customizeOpenshift/stylesheet/icons.css [...] ---- == More information * link:dsf-okd-customize-icons[Customize icons] for Openshift. * link:dsf-okd-customize-catalog[Customize catalog] for Openshift. * https://docs.openshift.com/container-platform/latest/install_config/web_console_customization.html#loading-custom-scripts-and-stylesheets[Openshift docs] about customization. == Old versions * Customize Openshift for link:dsf-okd-customize-v3-7[version 3.7].