= Install OKD _(Openshift Origin)_ == Pre-requisites === Install docker https://docs.docker.com/engine/installation/linux/docker-ce/debian/#set-up-the-repository [source,Shell] ---- $ sudo groupadd docker $ sudo usermod -aG docker $USER ---- === Download Openshift Origin Client Download Openshift Origin Client from https://www.openshift.org/download.html#oc-platforms[here] When the download it's complete, only extract it on the directory that you want, for example `/home/administrador/oc` //// ``` wget https://github.com/openshift/origin/releases/download/v3.7.1/openshift-origin-server-v3.7.1-ab0f056-linux-64bit.tar.gz tar -xvzf openshift-origin-server-v3.7.1-ab0f056-linux-64bit.tar.gz mv openshift-origin-server-v3.7.1-ab0f056-linux-64bit oc ``` //// === Add oc to path [source,Shell] ---- $ export PATH=$PATH:/home/administrador/oc ---- == Install Openshift Cluster === Add the insecure registry Create file ```/etc/docker/daemon.json``` with the next content: [source,json] ---- { "insecure-registries" : [ "" ] } ---- === Download docker images for openshift [source,Shell] ---- $ oc cluster up ---- == Install Oc Cluster Wrapper To manage easier the cluster persistent, we are going to use oc cluster wrapper. [source,Shell] ---- cd /home/administrador/oc wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/openshift-evangelists/oc-cluster-wrapper/master/oc-cluster ---- oc-cluster up devonfw-shop-floor --public-hostname X.X.X.X === Configure iptables We must create iptables rules to allow traffic from other machines. ```diff - The next commands it's to let all traffic, don't do it on a real server. - $ iptables -F - $ iptables -X - $ iptables -t nat -F - $ iptables -t nat -X - $ iptables -t mangle -F - $ iptables -t mangle -X - $ iptables -P INPUT ACCEPT - $ iptables -P OUTPUT ACCEPT - $ iptables -P FORWARD ACCEPT ``` = How to use Oc Cluster Wrapper With oc cluster wrapper we could have different clusters with different context. == Cluster up [source,Shell] ---- $ oc-cluster up devonfw-shop-floor --public-hostname X.X.X.X ---- == Cluster down [source,Shell] ---- $ oc-cluster down ---- == Use non-persistent cluster [source,Shell] ---- oc cluster up --image openshift/origin --public-hostname X.X.X.X --routing-suffix apps.X.X.X.X.nip.io ----