This Helm chart will install GitLab Runners and is based from the official Helm chart (docs).
# adds helm chart repository
helm repo add gitlab
helm repo update
# searches for the latest version
helm search repo -l gitlab-runner
# manual: update version number in Chart.yaml
# updates Chart.lock
helm dependency update
# gets ingress controller public IP
NGINX_PUBLIC_IP=`kubectl get service -n ingress-nginx ingress-nginx-controller --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}'`
# optional: checks the Kubernetes objects generated from the chart
helm template gitlab-runner . -f values.yaml \
--namespace supply-chain > temp.yaml
# manual: grab registration token in GitLab > <group_name> > Runners > Register a group runner
# creates helm release to have ubuntu/docker runners
helm upgrade --install gitlab-runner-ubuntu-docker . -f values.yaml \
--set gitlab-runner.gitlabUrl=https://gitlab.${NGINX_PUBLIC_IP} \
--set gitlab-runner.runnerRegistrationToken=**** \
--set gitlab-runner.runners.executor=kubernetes \
--set gitlab-runner.runners.tags="docker" \
--set"Ubuntu 20.04 Docker Runner (<project name>)" \
--namespace supply-chain
# docker executor doesn't seem to work even with privileged set to true (can be checked by looking at the /configmaps/config.template.toml file)
# from GitLab run: ERROR: Failed to remove network for build ERROR: Preparation failed: Cannot connect to the Docker daemon at unix:///var/run/docker.sock. Is the docker daemon running? (docker.go:739:0s)
# checks everything is ok
kubectl get all -n supply-chain
# if needed, deletes the chart
helm uninstall gitlab-runner-ubuntu-docker -n supply-chain
- This Helm chart doesn't work with replicas different to 1 so multiple Helm releases from the same chart is needed