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create , delete or update github organization secrets using github workflow

Pre requesites

  • This requires an authorization method which has organization-secret with write permission
  • Personal Access Token (PAT) is the recommended way to authenticate. In this demo PAT is USED.
  • You can generate a new one from Github settings
  • You need to encrypt a secret before you can create or update secrets.

How code works for create or update secret

  • First this will execute the shell script to get the Organization public key

    • This public key is required and used for encryption of secret

    Reference: get-an-organization-public-key

  • Then it will execute the script to get the organization key id.

    • This is required for creation or updation of secret
  • Then the python program encrypt_using_libnacl this uses the public key from step 1 and encrypts the secret using the prefered method by GitHub.

    Reference: create-or-update-an-organization-secret

  • Then Python program create_or_update_github_org_secret is used to take the public key id from step 2 and encrypted secret value from step 3 to create or update the secret.

status code operation
201 Create Org secret
204 Update an Org secret
  • visibility of organization secret has been set to all organization repositories. selected means only the repositories specified by selected_repository_ids can access the secret.
  • Can be one of: all, private, selected

Inputs of workflow

input name description
organization name of github organization
secret_name organization Secret name
secret_value Secret value

# How code works for deleting an organization secret

  • This runs the shell script which takes 2 inputs from github workflow
  1. organization name
  2. secret name
  • Then deletes the secret
input description
organization GitHub Organization name
secret_name Secert to be deleted