released this
10 Sep 09:10
15 commits
to main
since this release
Pull Request Title: Feature/vmss linux
Pull Request URL: PR Link
Opened By: githubofkrishnadhas
Merged: True
Description: VMSS Linux terraform module with cloud init enable to install basic packages and docker
Created At: 2024-09-10T09:09:44Z
Closed & Merged At: 2024-09-10T09:09:50Z
Assignees: githubofkrishnadhas
Total Commits: 22
What's Changed
- terrraform docs check by @githubofkrishnadhas in #3
- terraform docs resoved checkout issue by @githubofkrishnadhas in #4
- troubleshoot issue by @githubofkrishnadhas in #5
- test by @githubofkrishnadhas in #6
- Feature/tf module for api mgmt by @githubofkrishnadhas in #7
- Feature/vmss linux by @githubofkrishnadhas in #8
Full Changelog: v1.0.1...v1.1.0