I became interested in the dice game (Farkle) while playing the KingdomCome: Deliverence
. So, I made it using SwiftUI
The game interacts with two class Player
instances and the class Dice
instances that each player has.
Each dice is in an array, and perform initiation, align, calculation in DiceModel.swift
Player can change max score and player name by navigating SettingView.swift
It's the first game I've ever made using Swift
, SwiftUI
Later, I will try to make bot and multiplay with other people =D
- Farkle wikipedia - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Farkle/
Version - 1.1
- VS. COM added
Version - 1.0.2
- Code optimizing
Version - 1.0.1
- Some bugs Fixed
- Code optimizing with OOP