module Exercise03 where
import ClassyPrelude
import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, FromJSON, Value (String), parseJSON, toJSON, withText)
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Exercise02
Recall our helper functions trimAndLowerTH
, extractConstructors
, spliceConstructors
, spliceValues
. We can
combine them to generate instances for FromJSON
, and PrettyShow
-- |`deriveEnumInstances tyName` takes a type name and derives three instances: `ToJSON`, `FromJSON`, `PrettyShow`. In
-- order to derive those instances we need to extract the constructors and invoke the `spliceConstructors` or
-- `spliceValues` function depending on what type of instance it is (showing or parsing, respectively). For the `Pet`
-- example you would pass in something like:
-- @
-- putStrLn $(stringE . pprint =<< deriveEnumInstances ''Pet)
-- @
-- and get something like:
-- @
-- Instance PrettyShow Pet where
-- prettyShow = \ case
-- PetDog -> "dog"
-- PetCat -> "cat"
-- PetTeddyBear -> "teddyBear"
-- Instance ToJSON Pet where
-- toJSON = \ case
-- PetDog -> String "dog"
-- PetCat -> String "cat"
-- PetTeddyBear -> String "teddyBear"
-- Instance FromJSON Pet where
-- parseJSON = withText "Pet" $ \ case
-- "dog" -> pure PetDog
-- "cat" -> pure PetCat
-- "teddyBear" -> pure PetTeddyBear
-- other -> fail $ "I don't know about " <> other
-- @
-- Fill in the body given the function arguments.
deriveEnumInstances :: Name -> Q [Dec]
deriveEnumInstances tyName = do
conNames <- fail "TODO fill me in"
[d| instance PrettyShow $(conT tyName) where
prettyShow = error "TODO fill me in"
instance ToJSON $(conT tyName) where
toJSON = error "TODO fill me in"
instance FromJSON $(conT tyName) where
parseJSON = error "TODO fill me in"