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Predicting indie game success on Steam using machine learning. Analyzes user reviews and game metadata to identify factors that contribute to popularity and success.

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Predicting Indie Game Success on Steam using Machine Learning


This project investigates the factors contributing to the success of indie games on Steam by leveraging game metadata, player engagement metrics, and machine learning techniques. A tuned Random Forest model achieved an accuracy of 66%, emphasizing the importance of factors like price and release longevity. By incorporating user engagement metrics and a balanced dataset, this project provides actionable insights for indie developers to optimize strategies and offers players a data-driven perspective on quality titles in the competitive gaming market.

Project Overview

Indie games dominate the Steam platform, with thousands released annually. However, developers often face challenges understanding what factors drive success. This capstone project aims to:

  • Predict game success based on metadata using machine learning models.
  • Provide actionable insights to indie developers.
  • Offer players insights into discovering quality titles.

Key deliverables include:

  • A professional Overleaf report documenting the project in detail.
  • A comprehensive GitHub repository containing datasets, scripts, notebooks, and visualizations.

The pipeline used for this project is illustrated below:

Pipeline Overview

This pipeline reflects the methodology outlined in the Overleaf report, ensuring consistency across all stages of the project, from raw data collection via the Steam API and initial Python script, to the final analysis and insights.

Key Results

The results demonstrated the value of long-term support strategies and competitive pricing in driving game success. Among the models tested, the Random Forest model provided the most reliable predictions, showcasing the importance of feature selection and model optimization.

Random Forest Performance

Random Forest Confusion Matrix

Feature Importance

Feature Importance

  • Best Accuracy: 65.52% (Random Forest, hyperparameter-tuned).
  • Key Predictive Features:
    • Years Since Release
    • Price

Table of Contents

Project Structure

The repository is structured to reflect a professional and modular workflow:

  • data/: Contains raw and processed datasets:
    • steam_indie_games_all.csv
    • steam_indie_games_cleaned.csv
    • steam_indie_games_balanced.csv
  • notebooks/:
    • Data Cleaning and EDA Notebook: Prepares data for modeling and explores feature relationships.
    • Predictive Analysis Notebook: Includes training and evaluation for Logistic Regression, Random Forest, and SVM models.
  • src/: Python scripts for API data collection:
    • Implements API rate-handling logic and balancing strategies.
  • results/: Contains output files such as evaluation metrics and visualizations.
  • images/: Contains all figures and screenshots used in the report.
  • This documentation file, linking to the report and providing an overview.
  • requirements.txt: Lists Python dependencies for reproducibility.
  • .gitignore: Prevents sensitive or unnecessary files from being included in the repository.

Installation and Setup

To set up this project locally, follow these steps:

  1. Clone the repository:
   git clone
   cd steam-indie-success
  1. Create and activate a virtual environment
py -m venv .venv
source .venv\Scripts\activate
  1. Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
  1. Configure API access:
  • Obtain an API key from the Steam API.
  • Store the key in an environment variable or in a configuration file such as .env (ensure you include it in your .gitignore file to prevent it from being pushed to the repository).

Sample API Request

After setting up your API key, you can test the Steam API connection by running the following script:

python src/
  1. Jupyter Notebook Setup
  • If using Jupyter notebooks for running analysis, ensure Jupyter is installed:
pip install jupyter
jupyter notebook

Data Collection

Data was collected from the Steam API, which provides extensive game metadata including game details, gameplay features, community engagement metrics, and user reviews. This project focuses on extracting key attributes like game price, release date, genre, developer information, and user recommendation counts to predict the success of indie games on the platform.

The data collection process involved:

  • API Requests: A Python script ( was used to collect data via API calls, including error handling for API rate limits (using retry logic and exponential backoff).
  • Balanced Dataset: Data was curated to ensure a balanced representation of both popular and lesser-known indie games. The balancing aimed to avoid bias and ensure a fair distribution of recommendations.

For sample data and data processing scripts, refer to the data/ folder and the src/ directory.

Data Cleaning and Feature Engineering

The dataset underwent cleaning and preprocessing to ensure data quality:

  • Handled missing values and dropped unreliable columns (e.g., Metacritic Score).
  • Engineered features like "Years Since Release" to provide temporal context.
  • Log-transformed recommendations to reduce skewness caused by unusually high-priced outliers in the data.

Correlation Heatmap

Figure: Correlation heatmap of key features after data cleaning.

Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA)

Key visualizations include:

  • Price Distribution: Shows the prevalence of games priced below $20.
  • Correlation Heatmap: Reveals relationships between features.
  • Genre Heatmap: Highlights the dominance of action and adventure games.

EDA revealed insights such as the importance of affordable pricing and the impact of release longevity on success. Visualizations are available in the images/ folder and the report.

Insights from EDA informed feature selection and model training, highlighting the importance of pricing trends and release longevity. For instance, the correlation heatmap revealed a moderate relationship between price and recommendations, which were then used as primary combined features to train models.

Data Attributes

Column Name Description Data Type Example Value
AppID Unique identifier for each game Integer 440
Game Name Title of the game String Team Fortress 2
Release Date Date when the game was released DateTime 2007-10-10
Developer Developer(s) of the game String Valve
Genres Genres associated with the game String Action, Free-to-Play
Price ($) Price of the game in USD Float 19.99
Recommendations Number of recommendations received (log transformed) Float 10.82
Years Since Release Years since the game was released Integer 17

Notes on Dataset

  • Data Source: The dataset consists of indie games from the Steam platform, collected using the Steam Web API. This provides game-specific information, including release dates, developers, genres, and community reception metrics.
  • Feature Engineering:
    • The "Release Date" column was converted to a DateTime data type for easier manipulation during analysis.
    • The "Recommendations" feature underwent a logarithmic transformation to address skewness and reduce the influence of outliers in the form of uncharacteristically high priced games.
    • A new feature, "Years Since Release," was engineered to provide temporal context, aiding in the analysis of how game release longevity impacts success.
  • Data Formats: The data was saved in two formats:
    • steam_indie_games_all.csv (full dataset with multiple cleaning versions,V1, V2, and V3)
    • steam_indie_games_balanced.csv (initial, uncleaned, balanced dataset for machine learning models)
  • Balanced Dataset: The balanced dataset aimed to include a mix of both highly popular and lesser-known games to ensure a more representative analysis for machine learning models.

Model Training and Evaluation

Models were trained and evaluated using various metrics like accuracy, precision, recall, and F1-score. Below are visualizations highlighting model performance and key metrics:

Target Variable Distribution

Target Variable Distribution

Figure: Distribution of the target variable (game success).

Logistic Regression

  • Combined Features: Logistic Regression Confusion Matrix - Combined Features

Figure: Confusion matrix for Logistic Regression (combined features).

  • Years Since Release: Logistic Regression Confusion Matrix - Years Since Release

Figure: Confusion matrix for Logistic Regression (Years Since Release feature).

Random Forest

  • Feature Importance: Random Forest Feature Importance

Figure: Random Forest Feature Importance highlights the significance of "Years Since Release" and "Price" in predicting game success.

  • Combined Features (Tuned): Random Forest Tuned Confusion Matrix - Combined Features

Figure: Confusion matrix for Random Forest (tuned, combined features).

  • Combined Features (Untuned): Random Forest Untuned Confusion Matrix - Combined Features

Figure: Confusion matrix for Random Forest (untuned, combined features).

Support Vector Machine (SVM)

  • Combined Features (Tuned): SVM Tuned Confusion Matrix - Combined Features

Figure: Confusion matrix for SVM (tuned, combined features).

Evaluation Metrics

Models were evaluated using:

  • Accuracy: To measure the overall correctness of predictions.
  • Precision: To understand how many of the predicted successes were actually successful.
  • Recall: To determine the model's ability to identify all successful games.
  • F1-score: To balance precision and recall, particularly useful given the potential class imbalance issues.

The Random Forest model with tuned hyperparameters provided the best performance in terms of accuracy. However, due to the class imbalance in the dataset, further adjustments like class weighting or resampling should be considered to improve model reliability in future studies.

Results and Discussion

Key Insight: Developers focusing on long-term support and competitive pricing strategies may see improved game success, based on the analysis of years since release and price as critical predictors.

Model Performance Summary

Model Features Accuracy Precision (Class 0) Recall (Class 0) Precision (Class 1) Recall (Class 1) F1-Score
Logistic Regression Years Since Release 53.40% 62% 57% 42% 48% 52%
Logistic Regression Combined Features 56.90% 65% 63% 46% 48% 55%
Random Forest (Untuned) Years Since Release 60.30% 62% 86% 50% 22% 51%
Random Forest (Untuned) Combined Features 60.30% 66% 71% 50% 43% 58%
Random Forest (Tuned) Combined Features 65.52% 67% 86% 62% 35% 60%
SVM (Untuned) Years Since Release 60.30% 63% 83% 50% 26% 53%
SVM (Untuned) Combined Features 50.00% 58% 60% 36% 35% 47%
SVM (Tuned) Combined Features 55.17% 62% 69% 42% 35% 51%

Key Observations:

  • Random Forest performed the best after tuning, achieving an accuracy of 65.52%.
  • SVM struggled with accuracy, even after hyperparameter tuning, indicating it may not be the best model for this dataset.
  • Logistic Regression also showed moderate performance but was outperformed by Random Forest.

Feature Importance - Random Forest

Price Boxplot by Years Since Release

Limitations and Future Work


Some limitations encountered in this project include:

  • Potential biases in user reviews: Reviews may not accurately represent the entire player base, as they could be biased by extreme experiences—either highly positive or highly negative. This may impact the reliability of "Recommendations" as a predictor of game success.
  • Class Imbalance: The dataset had significantly more non-successful games compared to successful ones, which impacted model performance. Future work could implement techniques like Synthetic Minority Over-sampling Technique (SMOTE) or experiment with different class weights to improve recall for the "successful" class.
  • Data constraints for niche games: Data availability for niche games was limited, which can impact the model's ability to generalize across the entire spectrum of indie games on Steam.
  • Modeling complex user behavior: Predicting user behavior based on review sentiment and game metadata is inherently complex due to individual player motivations and preferences. The models used in this project may struggle to capture these nuances fully.

Future Work

Future improvements and extensions for this project could include:

  • Exploring Additional Platforms: Collecting data from other gaming platforms beyond Steam, such as the Epic Games Store or Microsoft Store, to enhance the generalizability of the model.
  • Advanced Modeling Techniques: Implementing more sophisticated models, such as deep learning or nueral networks, to capture more nuanced sentiment and complex patterns in user behavior, potentially improving prediction accuracy.
  • Sentiment Analysis of Reviews: Adding sentiment analysis of user reviews to quantify aspects of player feedback. This could be used as an additional feature to help predict game success more accurately.
  • Hyperparameter Tuning Automation: Exploring automated hyperparameter tuning approaches, such as Bayesian optimization, to reduce the manual effort required for model improvement.
  • Real-time Data Integration: Integrating real-time data using the Steam API to track ongoing changes in player sentiment and game engagement, which could make the predictions more timely.


This project successfully demonstrated the potential of machine learning to predict indie game success on Steam. By leveraging game metadata and player engagement metrics, we identified key determinants of success, such as affordable pricing and release longevity. The tuned Random Forest model, achieving an accuracy of 65.52%, highlighted the importance of feature selection and model optimization.

While the analysis provided actionable insights for indie developers—such as focusing on pricing strategies and long-term player engagement— including long-term content release and support over time for games, it also revealed challenges, including dataset imbalance and potential biases in user reviews. Addressing these limitations in future work could further enhance predictive performance and expand the model's applicability to other gaming platforms.

Ultimately, this project offers valuable guidance for developers looking to navigate the competitive indie game market, while also providing players with a data-driven perspective on discovering quality titles in the growing indie-videogame industry.
Click here to access the full Overleaf Report





Predicting indie game success on Steam using machine learning. Analyzes user reviews and game metadata to identify factors that contribute to popularity and success.






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