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dgrfactory edited this page Sep 22, 2024 · 39 revisions

Sound stops suddenly while playing music, but indicator appears to be working.

The SNES SPC700 Player will stop playback to protect your ears and equipment in the event of unexpectedly loud volume.
If you want to disable this behavior, lower volume in settings, or edit SPCPLAY.INI.

v2.19.4 or earlier:

OPTION   0 : 4353
OPTION   0 : 2147488001
(Add 2147483648 to original value)

v2.19.5 or later:

EARSAFE  0 : 1
EARSAFE  0 : 0

Window is too small on high-resolution display, I want to larger more.

You can increase window scale to 150% or 200% by editing SPCPLAY.INI.

SCALE    0 : 100
SCALE    0 : 150
SCALE    0 : 200


  • If SCALE set to 150, the display may be slightly corrupted.

Text displayed in indicator is corrupt, I want to change to another font.

You can change a font by editing SPCPLAY.INI, please try specifying a name for an evenly spaced font.

FONTNAME 3 : Lucida Console

Menu bar does not displayed in English.

Try editing SPCPLAY.INI to force it to display in English.


Sound is broken when loud echoes are used, returns to normal when sound is reduced.

If you are using v2.19.0 or later:

  • First, try setting the following flags to OFF.
    "Settings" -> "Expansion Flags" -> "SNES Echo/FIR Method"
  • If turning OFF this flag solves problem, the same problem may occur when playing a song on the actual device.
  • If this problem does not occur on the actual device, or if the song is from a game that has already been released, it may be a bug in this software.
    I would appreciate it if you could report issues.

My homebrew SPC is not playing properly.

If you are using v2.19.0 or later:

  • First, try setting the following flags to OFF.
    "Settings" -> "Expansion Flags" -> "SNES Echo/FIR Method"
  • If turning OFF this flag solves problem, the same problem may occur when playing a song on the actual device.
    Probably not enough memory capacity of the SPC700, not your PC.
  • Try reducing echo delay, changing echo address, or changing position of BRR data.

Why can other players play fine?

DSP of SNES is designed for 16-bit and 32kHz, and DSP data in processing is then stored in 64KB RAM.
However, some emulators support larger bits and sampling rates for high-quality sound reproduction.
To achieve this, sound buffer is allocated separately from 64KB APU RAM, where DSP data is stored.

SNESAPU similarly allocates memory for echo separate from the APU RAM.
SNESAPU mimics behavior of DSP overwriting to APU RAM just like the actual device when "SNES Echo/FIR Method" option is turned ON.
However, the values ​​written to the APU RAM are not used for echo, so the sound quality does not deteriorate.

I want to save music as a waveform (.wav) file.

Please see "How to save music as a .wav file" section.

Numeric fonts changed after updating to v2.19.2 or later, I want to change it back.

Try editing SPCPLAY.INI to revert to the previous font.

BMPFONT  0 : 0
BMPFONT  0 : 1
Value Font type
0 Latest font (same as 2)
1 Font like 7-segment display
2 Font like analog (presents by OffGao6502)

I want to prevent the leading blank time from being adjusted when some channels are output.

[UPDATE] Since v2.19.4:
When some channels are muted, leading blank time is not adjusted regardless of the setting.

Previous information

Leading blank time adjustment can be disabled by editing SPCPLAY.INI.

WAVBLANK 0 : 500

I scanned the package using VirusTotal, so some malwares were detected.

[UPDATE] Since v2.20.1:
The compiler for building SPCPLAY.EXE has been changed from Boland Delphi to Free Pascal.
As a result, expect to reduce the number of false positives by VirusTotal, but the number of detections will not be completely zero.
However, there is good news. Free Pascal is free and easily available, and you can build SPCPLAY.EXE yourself from code.

Previous information

Malware may be detected in some vendors by VirusTotal, but this is likely a false-positive due to heuristic scanning.
Anti-virus softwares from some security vendors may detect it as malware just because it was built with Delphi.

When malware is detected by major vendors, I report it to vendors routinely.
I have submitted file to Microsoft and Avast, and received "not detected" responses from both.

If you are worried about, I recommend using other players what can use my improved SNESAPU.DLL.

My recommendation is "Kuroneko SPC".
It supports all SNESAPU proprietary extension options, and has been adapted to English recently.
Since the initial state is display in Japanese, please operate as follows:

  1. Download "Kuroneko SPC" (黒猫SPC), and extract the compressed file.
  2. Open "Lang" folder.
  3. Copy "english.ini" file to same folder as "KuronekoSPC.exe".
  4. Rename "english.ini" to "Lang.ini".

The player takes a little time to change the speed, seek, etc. while playing.

By default, the sound buffer is set to about 500ms.
Therefore, it takes 500ms from the time some change is made to the time it is actually applied.

This behavior is effective in preventing sound loss when the PC is overloaded, but may be inconvenient for some purposes.
If you want faster response, change the sound buffer to a smaller size by editing SPCPLAY.INI.

BUFNUM   2 : 22
BUFNUM   2 : 4


  • If the number is too small, sound will be cut off.
    If you are concerned about sound skipping, increase this value gradually.
  • Do not set this 3 or below.

I want to create a wav file for each channel for all channels.

Try use SPCCMD.EXE (CUI tool). SPCCMD is included in the v2.20.0 package.
For example, by creating a .bat file with the following content and running it, you can create output-1 ~ 8.wav from input.spc file.

FOR /f "DELIMS=" %%A IN ('spccmd -gm --ch') DO SET MUTE=%%A
FOR %%I IN (1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8) DO (
  spccmd -sm %%I --rev --quiet
  spccmd -cw input.spc output-%%I.wav
spccmd -sm %MUTE% --quiet

I want to display in dark theme.

Since v2.20.3:
Try editing SPCPLAY.INI to change theme.

THEME    0 : 0
THEME    0 : 1

SNES SPC700 Player - Dark Theme


  • Dark theme can be enabled on Windows 10/11 (22H2 or later).
    Other operating systems or versions may work, but are not confirmed to work.
  • Uses some non-public APIs in Windows to achieve the dark theme.
    If SNES SPC700 Player can not start after changing, please restore the settings.