A simple GraphQL program where the schema is defined programmatically in Java code.
Follow these instructions to build and run the app:
- Pre-requisite: Java 21
- Build the app:
./gradlew installDist
- Build and run the app:
build/install/programmatic/bin/programmatic ' { localTime(timezone: AMERICA_CHICAGO) }'
- You should notice that the local time in Chicago was printed to the terminal.
- Alias the build and run commands for happier development:
alias go="./gradlew installDist && build/install/programmatic/bin/programmatic"
- For example, try the following command to build and run the program in one short step.
go ' { localTime(timezone: AMERICA_CHICAGO) }'
- Next, try a different timezone.
go ' { localTime(timezone: EUROPE_PARIS) }'
- DONE Create a data fetcher that gets the local time of the request time zone. Support a few time zones.
- DONE Replace the SDL schema file with a programmatic definition.
- DONE Is it possible to list all known IANA timezones in Java? If so, then do that and then programmaticaly define the GraphQL TimeZone enum.