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Consolidate input functions (#512)
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This changes the functions to now take an `InputSettings` record so that:

* We can avoid proliferation of functions
* We can easily add new fields later without breaking backwards compatibility
  • Loading branch information
quasicomputational authored and Gabriella439 committed Jul 17, 2018
1 parent 8c15d8f commit 99db7f7
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Showing 2 changed files with 185 additions and 107 deletions.
286 changes: 179 additions & 107 deletions src/Dhall.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -19,13 +19,20 @@ module Dhall
-- * Input
, inputFrom
, inputWith
, inputFromWith
, inputDirFromWith
, inputWithSettings
, inputFile
, inputFileWithSettings
, inputExpr
, inputExprWith
, inputExprDirWith
, inputExprWithSettings
, rootDirectory
, sourceName
, startingContext
, normalizer
, defaultInputSettings
, InputSettings
, defaultEvaluateSettings
, EvaluateSettings
, HasEvaluateSettings
, detailed

-- * Types
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -87,8 +94,10 @@ import Dhall.Import (Imported(..))
import Dhall.Parser (Src(..))
import Dhall.TypeCheck (DetailedTypeError(..), TypeError, X)
import GHC.Generics
import Lens.Family (LensLike', view)
import Numeric.Natural (Natural)
import Prelude hiding (maybe, sequence)
import System.FilePath (takeDirectory)

import qualified Control.Applicative
import qualified Control.Exception
Expand All @@ -100,6 +109,7 @@ import qualified Data.Scientific
import qualified Data.Sequence
import qualified Data.Set
import qualified Data.Text
import qualified Data.Text.IO
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy
import qualified Data.Vector
import qualified Dhall.Context
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -137,6 +147,98 @@ instance Show InvalidType where

instance Exception InvalidType

-- | @since 1.16
data InputSettings = InputSettings
{ _rootDirectory :: FilePath
, _sourceName :: FilePath
, _evaluateSettings :: EvaluateSettings

-- | Default input settings: resolves imports relative to @.@ (the
-- current working directory), report errors as coming from @(input)@,
-- and default evaluation settings from 'defaultEvaluateSettings'.
-- @since 1.16
defaultInputSettings :: InputSettings
defaultInputSettings = InputSettings
{ _rootDirectory = "."
, _sourceName = "(input)"
, _evaluateSettings = defaultEvaluateSettings

-- | Access the directory to resolve imports relative to.
-- @since 1.16
:: (Functor f)
=> LensLike' f InputSettings FilePath
rootDirectory k s =
fmap (\x -> s { _rootDirectory = x }) (k (_rootDirectory s))

-- | Access the name of the source to report locations from; this is
-- only used in error messages, so it's okay if this is a best guess
-- or something symbolic.
-- @since 1.16
:: (Functor f)
=> LensLike' f InputSettings FilePath
sourceName k s =
fmap (\x -> s { _sourceName = x}) (k (_sourceName s))

-- | @since 1.16
data EvaluateSettings = EvaluateSettings
{ _startingContext :: Dhall.Context.Context (Expr Src X)
, _normalizer :: Dhall.Core.ReifiedNormalizer X

-- | Default evaluation settings: no extra entries in the initial
-- context, and no special normalizer behaviour.
-- @since 1.16
defaultEvaluateSettings :: EvaluateSettings
defaultEvaluateSettings = EvaluateSettings
{ _startingContext = Dhall.Context.empty
, _normalizer = Dhall.Core.ReifiedNormalizer (const Nothing)

-- | Access the starting context used for evaluation and type-checking.
-- @since 1.16
:: (Functor f, HasEvaluateSettings s)
=> LensLike' f s (Dhall.Context.Context (Expr Src X))
startingContext = evaluateSettings . l
l :: (Functor f)
=> LensLike' f EvaluateSettings (Dhall.Context.Context (Expr Src X))
l k s = fmap (\x -> s { _startingContext = x}) (k (_startingContext s))

-- | Access the custom normalizer.
-- @since 1.16
:: (Functor f, HasEvaluateSettings s)
=> LensLike' f s (Dhall.Core.ReifiedNormalizer X)
normalizer = evaluateSettings . l
l :: (Functor f)
=> LensLike' f EvaluateSettings (Dhall.Core.ReifiedNormalizer X)
l k s = fmap (\x -> s { _normalizer = x }) (k (_normalizer s))

-- | @since 1.16
class HasEvaluateSettings s where
:: (Functor f)
=> LensLike' f s EvaluateSettings

instance HasEvaluateSettings InputSettings where
evaluateSettings k s =
fmap (\x -> s { _evaluateSettings = x }) (k (_evaluateSettings s))

instance HasEvaluateSettings EvaluateSettings where
evaluateSettings = id

{-| Type-check and evaluate a Dhall program, decoding the result into Haskell
The first argument determines the type of value that you decode:
Expand All @@ -152,7 +254,7 @@ instance Exception InvalidType
>>> input auto "True" :: IO Bool
Resolves imports relative to @.@ (the current working directory).
This uses the settings from 'defaultInputSettings'.
:: Type a
Expand All @@ -162,82 +264,30 @@ input
-> IO a
-- ^ The decoded value in Haskell
input =
inputFrom "(input)"

-- | Resolves imports relative to @.@ (the current working directory).
:: FilePath
-- ^ The source file to report locations from; only used in error messages
-> Type a
-- ^ The type of value to decode from Dhall to Haskell
-> Text
-- ^ The Dhall program
-> IO a
-- ^ The decoded value in Haskell
inputFrom filename ty txt =
inputFromWith filename ty Dhall.Context.empty (const Nothing) txt

{-| Extend 'input' with a custom typing context and normalization process.
Resolves imports relative to @.@ (the current working directory).
:: Type a
-- ^ The type of value to decode from Dhall to Haskell
-> Dhall.Context.Context (Expr Src X)
-- ^ The starting context for type-checking
-> Dhall.Core.Normalizer X
-> Text
-- ^ The Dhall program
-> IO a
-- ^ The decoded value in Haskell
inputWith =
inputFromWith "(input)"

{-| Extend 'inputFrom' with a custom typing context and normalization process.
inputWithSettings defaultInputSettings

Resolves imports relative to @.@ (the current working directory).
:: FilePath
-- ^ The source file to report locations from; only used in error messages
-> Type a
-- ^ The type of value to decode from Dhall to Haskell
-> Dhall.Context.Context (Expr Src X)
-- ^ The starting context for type-checking
-> Dhall.Core.Normalizer X
-> Text
-- ^ The Dhall program
-> IO a
-- ^ The decoded value in Haskell
inputFromWith filename ty ctx n txt =
inputDirFromWith "." filename ty ctx n txt

{-| Extend 'inputFrom' with a root directory to resolve imports relative
{-| Extend 'input' with a root directory to resolve imports relative
to, a file to mention in errors as the source, a custom typing
context, and a custom normalization process.
@since 1.16
:: FilePath
-- ^ The directory to resolve imports relative to.
-> FilePath
-- ^ The source file to report locations from; only used in error messages
:: InputSettings
-> Type a
-- ^ The type of value to decode from Dhall to Haskell
-> Dhall.Context.Context (Expr Src X)
-- ^ The starting context for type-checking
-> Dhall.Core.Normalizer X
-> Text
-- ^ The Dhall program
-> IO a
-- ^ The decoded value in Haskell
inputDirFromWith dir filename (Type {..}) ctx n txt = do
expr <- throws (Dhall.Parser.exprFromText filename txt)
expr' <- Dhall.Import.loadDirWith dir Dhall.Import.exprFromImport ctx n expr
inputWithSettings settings (Type {..}) txt = do
expr <- throws (Dhall.Parser.exprFromText (view sourceName settings) txt)
expr' <- Dhall.Import.loadDirWith
(view rootDirectory settings)
(view startingContext settings)
(Dhall.Core.getReifiedNormalizer (view normalizer settings))
let suffix = Dhall.Pretty.Internal.prettyToStrictText expected
let annot = case expr' of
Note (Src begin end bytes) _ ->
Expand All @@ -246,61 +296,85 @@ inputDirFromWith dir filename (Type {..}) ctx n txt = do
bytes' = bytes <> " : " <> suffix
_ ->
Annot expr' expected
_ <- throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeWith ctx annot)
case extract (Dhall.Core.normalizeWith n expr') of
_ <- throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeWith (view startingContext settings) annot)
case extract (Dhall.Core.normalizeWith (Dhall.Core.getReifiedNormalizer (view normalizer settings)) expr') of
Just x -> return x
Nothing -> Control.Exception.throwIO InvalidType

{-| Similar to `input`, but without interpreting the Dhall `Expr` into a Haskell
{-| Type-check and evaluate a Dhall program that is read from the
Resolves imports relative to @.@ (the current working directory).
This uses the settings from 'defaultEvaluateSettings'.
@since 1.16
:: Text
-- ^ The Dhall program
-> IO (Expr Src X)
-- ^ The fully normalized AST
inputExpr = inputExprWith Dhall.Context.empty (const Nothing)
:: Type a
-- ^ The type of value to decode from Dhall to Haskell
-> FilePath
-- ^ The path to the Dhall program.
-> IO a
-- ^ The decoded value in Haskell.
inputFile =
inputFileWithSettings defaultEvaluateSettings

{-| Extend 'inputFile' with a custom typing context and a custom
normalization process.
{-| Extend `inputExpr` with a custom typing context and normalization process.
@since 1.16
:: EvaluateSettings
-> Type a
-- ^ The type of value to decode from Dhall to Haskell
-> FilePath
-- ^ The path to the Dhall program.
-> IO a
-- ^ The decoded value in Haskell.
inputFileWithSettings settings ty path = do
text <- Data.Text.IO.readFile path
let inputSettings = InputSettings
{ _rootDirectory = takeDirectory path
, _sourceName = path
, _evaluateSettings = settings
inputWithSettings inputSettings ty text

Resolves imports relative to @.@ (the current working directory).
{-| Similar to `input`, but without interpreting the Dhall `Expr` into a Haskell
Uses the settings from 'defaultInputSettings'.
:: Dhall.Context.Context (Expr Src X)
-- ^ The starting context for type-checking
-> Dhall.Core.Normalizer X
-> Text
:: Text
-- ^ The Dhall program
-> IO (Expr Src X)
-- ^ The fully normalized AST
inputExprWith ctx n txt = do
inputExprDirWith "." ctx n txt
inputExpr =
inputExprWithSettings defaultInputSettings

{-| Extend `inputExpr` with a directory to resolve imports relative to,
custom typing context and normalization process.
{-| Extend 'inputExpr' with a root directory to resolve imports relative
to, a file to mention in errors as the source, a custom typing
context, and a custom normalization process.
@since 1.16
:: FilePath
-- ^ The directory to resolve imports relative to.
-> Dhall.Context.Context (Expr Src X)
-- ^ The starting context for type-checking
-> Dhall.Core.Normalizer X
:: InputSettings
-> Text
-- ^ The Dhall program
-> IO (Expr Src X)
-- ^ The fully normalized AST
inputExprDirWith dir ctx n txt = do
expr <- throws (Dhall.Parser.exprFromText "(input)" txt)
expr' <- Dhall.Import.loadDirWith dir Dhall.Import.exprFromImport ctx n expr
_ <- throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeWith ctx expr')
pure (Dhall.Core.normalizeWith n expr')

inputExprWithSettings settings txt = do
expr <- throws (Dhall.Parser.exprFromText (view sourceName settings) txt)
expr' <- Dhall.Import.loadDirWith
(view rootDirectory settings)
(view startingContext settings)
(Dhall.Core.getReifiedNormalizer (view normalizer settings))
_ <- throws (Dhall.TypeCheck.typeWith (view startingContext settings) expr')
pure (Dhall.Core.normalizeWith (Dhall.Core.getReifiedNormalizer (view normalizer settings)) expr')

-- | Use this function to extract Haskell values directly from Dhall AST.
-- The intended use case is to allow easy extraction of Dhall values for
Expand All @@ -321,8 +395,6 @@ rawInput (Type {..}) expr = do
Just x -> pure x
Nothing -> empty

{-| Use this to provide more detailed error messages
>> input auto "True" :: IO Integer
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/Dhall/Core.hs
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -36,6 +36,7 @@ module Dhall.Core (
, normalize
, normalizeWith
, Normalizer
, ReifiedNormalizer (..)
, judgmentallyEqual
, subst
, shift
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1714,6 +1715,11 @@ judgmentallyEqual eL0 eR0 = alphaBetaNormalize eL0 == alphaBetaNormalize eR0
-- polymorphic enough to be used.
type Normalizer a = forall s. Expr s a -> Maybe (Expr s a)

-- | A reified 'Normalizer', which can be stored in structures without
-- running into impredicative polymorphism.
data ReifiedNormalizer a = ReifiedNormalizer
{ getReifiedNormalizer :: Normalizer a }

-- | Check if an expression is in a normal form given a context of evaluation.
-- Unlike `isNormalized`, this will fully normalize and traverse through the expression.
Expand Down

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