Matlab code to generate stitched images using homography.
- Matlab computer vision toolbox
- Calibrated images (following pinhole camera model)
Image stitching by finding the homography matrix between successive images.
Features :
- Harris corner detector
Matching Method:
- SAD : Sum of absolute distance
- SSD : Sum of squared distance
- NCC : Normalized cross correlation
How does it work:
- Find features in the images and store them
- Match features between successive images
- Perform RANSAC with homography model to get inlier points : Reprojection error is used
- Do NDLT (normalized direct linear transform) to get an optimized homography matrix
- Warp the target images into base image.
How to run:
- Name your images in consecutive order (1.jpg, 2.jpg, 3.jpg ...) (note : the consecutive images should have some overlapped region)
- Load the images as in %imgae sample in run.m
- Set the base image
- run.