This is a selenium based python application which is used to make the chat box in the Big Blue Button, an online classroom, a floating chat box.
This is achieved by opening the Chat site using Selenuim browser automation and capturing the chat details using their respective xpath. The captured details is then displayed on tkinter window which always stays on top.
Float chat options can be toggled using main menu which opens when the script is executed.
- Current version only support Chrome browser
- Chat window must be made visible in the webpage in order to capture the data
- The layout of the browser must not be changed as it my change the xpath of the elements
- Cloning the repository
git clone
cd BigBlueButton-float_chat
- Check your Chrome browser version by typing 'chrome://version/' in the address bar and download the respective chrome driver from here and make sure to convert it into executable using 'chmod' command if you are using linux.
- Place the executable of the chrome driver in 'data/drivers/' directory
- Create 'data/base_data.xml' file using 'data/base_data_template.xml'
- Install pipenv if not already installed
pip install pipenv
- Switch to the main directory (i.e. directory of BigBlueButton-float_chat). Install necessary packages and activate pipenv shell
pipenv install
pipenv shell
Switch to float_chat directory and run the script (make sure pipenv shell is active)
cd float_chat/