- Edaman - Recipe | Food | Nutrition Analysis API
- Prisma - Object–relational mapper (ORM)
- Sqlite - SQL Database Engine
- Nextjs - Reactjs Framework
- Mantine UI - Reactjs UI Framework
- React Query - React Fetching Libraray (Server State)
- Redux Toolkit - Redux Library (Client State)
- Typescript - JavaScript with syntax for types
- Create Signup and Login Page. - users will be able to sign up and log in to the application and access other features. Create your own backend to store user information.
- Create home page - display recipe data from /api/recipes/v2 endpoint.
- Add pagination when displaying the data.
- Add search recipe functionality.
- Create a page to view other details of a specific recipe.
- Create reusable components for your application.
- Create logout functionality.
- Create export data functionality, CSV, and PDF.
- Add favorite functionality and add the data to your database and this data can be retrieved by the user. Users should also be able to unfavorite this item.
- You can use third-party libraries for state management (e.g Redux) or use useContext.
- Create an admin feature.
- - Able to chat to a user
- - Use websocket for this.
- - Paginate Chat (Infinite Scroll)
- - Improve Chat UX
- - Chat Notification
- - Can send Images or use Richtext
- - Get all users
- - Search a user
- - Update User status
- - Improve UI/UX
- Users can also chat with the admin.
- - User can view all favorites
- Store chat data to the database and can be retrieved.
- Improve Performance
- - Apply SEO
- - Database (change to nearest region)
- - Use GetStaticProps or GetServerSideProps
- - Clean up Codes