Convert from IMVU's CFL format to a file usable by the client create mode (.chkn).
In reality, a .chkn file is just a zip archive and can be opened as such.
Inspired by
This package can also be integrated into your own program.
You can import { convert } from 'cfl-converter';
and call the function with an ArrayBufferLike
(such as a Buffer) containing the contents of
a CFL file (and any supported options in the second parameter).
A decompress(data: ArrayBufferLike)
function is also provided if you would like to manually decompress the LZMA portions of the CFL.
Convert .cfl files to .chkn files using this easy command-line tool!
Product IDs can also be supplied and the program will attempt to download them and convert them.
Usage: cfl-converter [options]
-V, --version output the version number
-I, --input <files> .CFL file(s) to convert.
-P, --products <ids> List of Product IDs to retrieve and convert.
-h, --help output usage information
$ cfl-converter --input product.cfl,chair.cfl
$ cfl-converter --products 1243456,654321
Testing is currently being written, although the program itself is quite simple.
The signifiance of this is, that due to what I can only call a CDN exploit, you can download the CFL for ANY product in the shop!
This can be accomplished by running the product ID through the url{productID}/1
where {productID}
is the ID of the product you with to retrieve.
The number at the end seems to be the revision number, so you may want to check if numbers higher than 1 work as well and get the highest revision you can.
After, simply save the downloaded file with a .cfl extension and use this tool to convert it to a CHKN file.
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details