Go package for validating just web forms (url.Values), not structs, maps, or unknown types.
You can write custom error messages and create a custom validation rule by implementing the "Rule" interface.
type Rule interface {
Validate([]string, map[string]string) (error, []interface{})
It also includes a couple of functions for rendering radio buttons, checkboxes, and single or multiple selects/dropdowns.
go get -u github.com/dholtzmann/formvalidator
package main
import (
fv "github.com/dholtzmann/formvalidator"
func main() {
// setup HTTP server...
func indexPage(w http.ResponseWriter, r *http.Request) {
tpl := template.Must(template.ParseGlob("./templates/*.html"))
err := r.ParseForm()
if err != nil {
For file uploads and a form.
err := r.ParseMultipartForm(1 << 20)
if err != nil {
rules := map[string][]fv.Rule{
"Email": fv.RuleChain(fv.Required(), fv.Email(true), fv.StrLen(6, 50)),
"Age": fv.RuleChain(fv.Numeric(), fv.IntRange(18, 100)),
// More validation rules...
err, validator := fv.New(rules)
if err != nil {
isValid, errors := validator.Validate(r.Form) // or r.PostForm, r.MultipartForm.Value
if isValid {
// save to database, parse, ...
} else {
// display errors
tplVars := make(map[string]interface{})
tplVars["FormErrors"] = errors
err = tpl.ExecuteTemplate(w, "index.gohtml", tplVars)
- Required()
- RequiredMultiple()
- Email(allowThrowawayDomains bool)
- AlphaNumeric()
- MinStrLen(min uint32)
- MaxStrLen(max uint32)
- StrLen(min, max uint32)
- UTF8LetterNum()
- StrMatch(form.Get("ConfirmPassword"))
- IsJSON()
- WebRequestURI()
- Boolean()
- Numeric()
- IntRange(min, max int)
- IsFloat64()
- FloatRange(min, max float64)
- CreditCard(allowTestingNumbers bool)
- Latitude()
- Longitude()
- ISBN() [format: Strlen 10 or 13]
- IsUUID(version uint32) [format: UUIDv3, UUIDv4, UUIDv5]
- IsDate() [format: DD-MM-YYYY]
- IsTime() [format: HH:MM:SS]
- IsDateTime() [format: DD-MM-YYYY HH:MM:SS]
- CSVEntryStrLen(delimiter rune, minLenValue, maxLenValue uint32)
- CountryCode() [format: ISO-3166, 2 letters]
- InListMultiple(list []string)
- InListSingle(list []string)
- NotInListSingle(list []string)
- CurrencyCode() [format: ISO-4217, 3 letters]
- NotCommonPassword()
See the file 'validator_test.go' for examples of how to use the validation rules.
- Write Go documentation in comments. (typical godoc.org format)
- Expand README.md