Load configuration files based on
npm install @dicehub/config-env-loader -S
# via yarn
yarn add @dicehub/config-env-loader
Only the file that corresponds to the NODE_ENV
variable will be included
$ export NODE_ENV=development
# <root>/config/development.yaml
// <root>/index.js
// Config directory
configPath: './config/',
And now, every variable that is in the file config/development.yaml
is available through the process.env
console.log(process.env.DEVELOPMENT_ENV_VAR) // '42';
The value is string because https://nodejs.org/dist/latest-v10.x/docs/api/process.html#process_process_env
var conf = require('@dicehub/config-env-loader')({
// The directory where the configuration files for the NODE_ENV are located
configPath: './config/',
// The array of files to be included, not depending on the NODE_ENV
include: ['./common-config.yaml']
// The variable conf contains all that is included
// Except that the types are not converted
process.env.TEST_VAR // '42'
conf.TEST_VAR // 42
- By default, if NODE_ENV is not provided, the configuration development.yaml is loaded
- if in config folder there is a file
then it will be loaded before the{NODE_ENV}.yaml