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30 July 2013
The first useable version of events managemant in span has been completed enough to document it. Further testing is required, but it seems to be robust.
The span patch contains an "events" sub patcher that includes all basic events functions including low-level editing. There are no graphical interfaces to these functions within span, except a text window for editing the events.
There is a span.events bpatcher (GUI) that can be used to edit, manage and play events, but all of these functions are also accessible by messages to the span:events subpatch.
An "event" is a collection of namespace parameters as defined by "class=parameter" to the events key of span. The first level of keys in the events key is the name of the event. Within the event name key there are the attributes "tags" and "description". "Tags" are how events can be grouped together (replacing the old events subfolder concept of tapemovie) and description is, well, a text description of the event. There can be more than one tag, each one a symbol, and each tag separated by a space. Each tag can contain spaces as long as the entire tag name is in quotes. For example: tags: audio "section 1" defines two tags, "audio" and "section 1" The value for the "description" attribute is a single symbol within quotes that can contain spaces. It could be something like: "This event is the first of several which do some particular thing."
The next subkey in an event is "data" and this is where the parameter values lie. The data key is organized by "timestamps" in milliseconds. Timestamps are absolute time references starting from the moment an event is executed. Most events will only contain a timestamp of "0", but events that spread out messages over time will contain timestamp keys other than "0".
The messages for each parameter written to an event are not in the normal hierarchical format of nodes and parameters that defines the structure of the "namespace" key. They are written as osc type messages in order to maintain order of execution. These messages are written as : /del.1/vol or /del/1/vol The format (i.e. choosing between instances marked by "." and instances marked by "/") is controlled globally by system::data::events::format If format = 1, instances indicated with dot (/module.1/param). If format = 2, instances indicated with slash (/module/1/param)"
Events can be edited in a normal text format, converted from and back to the span::events key format.
To create and event, send an event name (which can include spaces if name is in quotes) to "/span/events/create": /span/events/create testevent will create an event named "testevent" where all "values" of nodes with "class=parameter" will be wirtten to "events::testevent::data::0". "0" is, as described previously, timestamp "0" which means the messages contained in the event will be executed at the beginning of the event. The "tags" attribute will be "undefined" by default (defined by system::data::events::defaulttag), and the default description will be "Describe event here..." (Sending a "bang" to /span/event/create will create an event with all parameters called "temp").
The "span::events::testevent" key might look something like:
"testevent" : {
"tags" : "undefined",
"description" : "Describe event here...",
"data" : {
"0" : {
"// 0" : "---------- /del.1 ----------",
"/del.1/sw" : 1,
"/del.1/time" : 973.0,
"/del.1/fb" : 0.87,
"/del.1/vol" : 0.535,
"/del.1/volrand" : 0,
"/del.1/delrand" : 0,
"/del.1/fbrand" : 0,
"// 1" : "---------- /filt.1 ----------",
"/filt.1/sw" : 1,
"/filt.1/mode" : "lowpass",
"/filt.1/gainenable" : 1,
"/filt.1/freq" : 385.348206,
"/filt.1/gain" : 0.366003,
"/filt.1/q" : 0.94478,
"/filt.1/vol" : 1.0,
"/filt.1/volrand" : 0,
"/filt.1/freqrand" : 0
Notice that comments were automatically included which separate the different "nodes" or "modules" of the event. The comments are indicated by numbered keys with names such as "// 0", or "// 1", etc. When we will edit events in text format, the numbered parts will be removed and only "//" will remain, the normal character for comments. The numbers are necessary in the span::events dictionary format so that more than one comment can be created within a particular key (timestamp).
You can indicate tags other than the default "undefined" when creating an event by including each tag at the beggining of the name in front of slashes. For example:
/span/events/create audio/testevent will create an event called "testevent" with a tag of audio.
/span/events/create audio/midi/testevent will create an event called "testevent" with tags audio and midi.
basic messages to /span/events/create
/span/events/create bang
This creates a full event containing all parameters at timestamp 0 of event "temp"
/span/events/create eventname
This creates a full event containing all parameters at timestamp 0 of event "eventname"
/span/events/create eventname timeinmillisecondes
This creates a full event containing all parameters at timestamp "timeinmillisecondes of event "eventname"
ex. /span/events/create testevent 100
creates or modifies event testevent at timestamp 100 ms
If we "create" an event that already exists, it will write over the timestamp of the existing event, unless we write to a timestamp not yet in the event. In that case it will simply be added.
you can add the following messages with arguments after the name and or timestamp: "tags", "only", "except", "ifvalue". They can be combined in any order.
/span/events/create eventname tags audio
This creates an event containing only parameters nodes with tags "audio"
/span/events/create eventname tags audio control
This creates an event containing only parameters nodes with tags "audio" and "control"
/span/events/create eventname only filt
This creates an event containing only parameters of nodes containing "filt" in their name
(only filt parameters, but of all instances)
/span/events/create eventname only vol
This creates an event containing only parameters of nodes containing "vol" in their name
(i.e. only volumes of all nodes)
/span/events/create eventname only filt/1
This creates an event containing only parameters of nodes containing "filt/1" in their name
(only filt/1 parameters)
/span/events/create eventname only filt/*/vol
This creates an event containing only vol parameters of nodes "filt"
(the instance is a wildcard. only filt/vol parameters, but of all instances)
/span/events/create eventname only filt del
This creates an event containing only parameters of nodes containing "filt" or "del" in their name
(only filt and del parameters, but of all instances)
/span/events/create eventname except sw
This creates an event containing all parameters except those containing "sw" in the name.
(i.e. all params except /sw)
/span/events/create eventname except filt
This creates an event containing all parameters except those containing "filt" in the name.
(i.e. all params of all nodes except "filt")
/span/event/create eventname except rand
This creates an event containing all parameters except those containing "rand" in the name.
(i.e. all params of all nodes except those that contain "rand" in their name)
/span/events/create eventname except sw rev/1
This creates an event containing all parameters except those containing "sw" in the name or those having to do with rev/1.
This saves all parameters of a node if a particular param of that node is set to a particular value.
/span/events/create eventname ifvalue sw=1
This is the famous "active" save from tapemovie. It saves all nodes which contain a sw param set to 1.
This can be combined with all other messages in any order:
/span/events/create eventname ifvalue sw=1 except mtrx dac subb rev/1 tags audio
This saves all active nodes (modules) with tags audio, but NOT those that contain mtrx, dac, subb or rev/1
Send a "bang" to to play "temp" or an eventname to play that event. Event is executed timestamp by timestamp. /span/events/play is polyphonic and can currently play up to 10 events at a time.
send an event name to /span/events/edit to edit that event, or send a bang to edit the "temp" event.
Before editing, the event is converted to "good-old qlist" format in a text object. All params are listed as "/node/instance/param value" (or /node.instance/param value, depending on the value of system::data::events::format), line by line.
Timestamps are converted to relative time (like qlist format), on lines starting with the symbol WAIT. One can edit as one likes, and all will be converted back to the span dict format for saving. If the converted sees that the same parameter is listed twice within the same timestamp, it automatically insert 1 ms before the repeated param. You can instert more WAITS as you like, either by starting a line with WAIT (or "wait") and then expressing a wait time in milliseconds, or just making a like with the time in milliseconds. The next time you edit this event, the line expressing milliseconds will automatically be expressed at WAIT milliseconds, but using the WAIT message when creating a line for a wait time is absolutely optional.
You can add comments by just starting a line with: // The comments will be numbered automatically when converted to the events key dictionary format, so we do not have to worry about the numbering.
Send a bang to save the current edit. If the text window is still open it will be closed automatically and then saved back to span. The project will automatically be resaved.
!!! NB. If you forget to bang "saveedited" and then play the event, the event will revert back to what it was BEFORE you saved it, and you will lose your changes. Don't do that. If you DO play before doing a "saveedited" you can immediately do a "saveedited" WITHOUT re-editing the event, and the previous edit will still be saved to the event. If you re-edit the event, it will definitively erase the modifications.
Send an event name to delete that event. If it is "temp", the temp event will just be emptied and not completely deleted so that "temp" will not lose its place as the first event.
There is no "are you sure" type of confirmation. Use carefully.
Change the name of an event. Can also change tags at the same time.
send list of two symbols, [current name of event] [new name of event]
Can use the tag/eventname syntax as with span/events/create.
If rename to same name, does nothing. If rename to same name but with tag/name, just changes tags of event.
Duplicate (create a copy) of an event. Can also change tags at the same time.
Send list of two symbols, [name of event to duplicate] [name of new event]
Can use the tag/eventname syntax as with span/events/create.
If duplicate to same name, does nothing. If duplicate to same name but with tag/name, just changes tags of event.
Send eventname and list of tags to change tags of existing event or create empty event with expressed tags. Tags with spaces need to be in quotes.
/span/events/tags testevent section1 control "x y z" replaces tags of testevent with new tags section1 control "x y z"
Send eventname and symbol or phrase with spaces in quotes to change description of existing event or create empty event with expressed description.
/span/events/description testevent "this is a new description" replaces description of testevent.
The events GUI, span.events.paxpat, contains several menus and buttons. It calls the low-level functions described in the avove sections.
view tags - menu
This menu is automatically filled with all of the different tags contained in the events of a project. We can then choose one of the tags to filter the events shown in the event menu.
event - menu
The event menu is automatically filled with the events containing the tag chosen in the view tags menu.
action - menu
The action menu allows us to select an action to be performed on the event chosen in the event menu
Save Edited Event - button
When we are done editing an event, we MUST click Save Edited Event or else lose everything...
"create/store" criteria - menu
Criteria used to select parameters for creating a new event. empty all all-active control-active audio-active device-active tapemovie
These criteria are defined in system::data::events::criteria
"create/store" timestamp - number
Determine time within event at which to create the parameter listing. Default is "0", and goes back to "0" after every create.
"create/store" tags - text editor
Tag or tags to insert into new event. This displays the tag chosen by the "view tags" menu, so that if you view a certain tag, the events we create will automatically be assigned the same tag. We can always change this value.
If we create the event using the tag/name convention, the tag coming from the name will override the "create/store" tags value.
CREATE - button
Opens name dialog auto-filled with date-time event name. Can change name to something else, and also use the tag/name convention to assign a tag at the same moment (overrides "create/store tags).
Store Temp - button Store all parameters to the temp event. This is usefull to save a state without creating an official event.