Create a carousel of images using HTML, CSS, and JS
Technologies Used | Try it Out! | License
The main technologies used in this practice project are the following:
- JavaScript + HTML + CSS
- ScreenToGif, used to record demonstration GIFs.
To clone and run this application, you'll need Git and Node.js installed on your computer. Then, from your command line:
# clone and access this repository
$ git clone
$ cd carousel/
# install the http-server package
$ npm install --global http-server
# start a local server
$ http-server
Now visit http://localhost:8080
and scroll!
This project if under MIT License. Check LICENSE for more information.
Especial thanks to @maykbrito and Rocketseat for the masterclass Criando um Carousel do Zero só com CSS. Your content is always outstanding!
Made by Diego Aquino 😎. Connect with me! 👋