Topics of the course:
- review of basic concepts: probability, odds and rules, updating probabilites, uncertain numbers (probability functions)
- from Bernoulli trials to Poisson processes and related distributions
- Bernoulli theorem and Central Limit Theorem
- Inference of the Bernoulli p; inference of lambda of the Poisson distribution. Inference of the Gaussian mu. Simultaneous inference of mu and sigma from a sample: general ideas and asymptotic results (large sample size).
- fits as special case of parametric inference
- Monte Carlo methods: rejecion sampling, inversion of cumulative distributions, importance sampling. Metropolis algorithm as example of Markov Chain Monte Carlo. Simulated annealing
- the R framework and language for applied statistics.
Short summary of the assignments:
Analyze the flights offered by each airline company and determine:
- the airline companies offering the largest two numbers of flights per day and per week;
- the airline company offering the smallest number of flight per month;
- the airline company offering the longest distance flight per month.
flights = flights %>% left_join(airlines, by="carrier")
#largest two numbers of flights per day
flights %>%
group_by(carrier_name,date) %>%
summarise(count=n()) %>%
group_by(date) %>%
summarise(max1 = max(count), carrier1 = carrier_name[count == max1],
max2 = max(count[count<max1]),carrier2 = carrier_name[count == max2])
#largest two numbers of flights per week
flights %>%
mutate(week_number = week(date)) %>%
group_by(carrier_name,week_number) %>%
summarise(count=n()) %>%
group_by(week_number) %>%
summarise(max1 = max(count), carrier1 = carrier_name[count == max1],
max2 = max(count[count<max1]),carrier2 = carrier_name[count == max2])
- Study the binomail inference for a study that reports
successes inn=20
independet trials.
A study on water quality of streams, a high level of bacter X was defined as a level greater than 100 per 100 ml of stream water. n = 116 samples were taken from streams having a high environmental impact on pandas. Out of these, y = 11 had a high bacter X level. Indicating with p the probability that a sample of water taken from the stream has a high bacter X level,
- find the frequentist estimator for p
- using a Beta(1,10) prior for p, calculate and posterior distribution P(p | y)
- find the bayesian estimator for p, the posterior mean and variance, and a 95% credible interval
- test the hypotesis:
- Six boxes toy model
boxes = list(
box0 = c(rep("black", 5)),
box1 = c(rep("black", 4), rep("white", 1)),
box2 = c(rep("black", 3), rep("white", 2)),
box3 = c(rep("black", 2), rep("white", 3)),
box4 = c(rep("black", 1), rep("white", 4)),
box5 = c(rep("white", 5))
selected_box = sample(boxes,1)
#initializing matrix of priors
#row is number of extraction, column is the box
#each entry is the prior related to sampling a white ball
#at the beginning I assume a flat prior, i.e. I have a probability of 1/6 of sampling a box wrt another
prior = data.frame(matrix(1/6, nrow = 1, ncol = 6))
colnames(prior) = c("box0", "box1", "box2", "box3", "box4", "box5")
for (drawn_ball in extracted_balls){
posteriors = c()
#compute quantities for each possible box
for (possible_box in 0:5){
if (drawn_ball == "white"){
likelihood = possible_box / 5 #probability of drawing a white ball. Box_j has probability j/5, by construction
posterior = likelihood * prior[nrow(prior),possible_box+1] #nrow() takes the last row of the matrix
likelihood = 1 - (possible_box / 5)
posterior = likelihood * prior[nrow(prior),possible_box+1]}
#update prior
posteriors = c(posteriors, posterior)
posteriors = posteriors/sum(posteriors)
prior = rbind(prior,posteriors)
posterior_matrix = prior