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IDS Connector Launcher

This launcher includes all extensions that are required for an IDS Connector deployment. That includes communication via an IDS protocol, currently IDS Multipart Messages, as well as using an IDS DAPS as the Identity Provider.


As the connector defined in this launcher connects to an IDS DAPS, a running and reachable DAPS is required for the connector to be able to communicate via IDS protocol. In addition, you need a valid certificate (located in a keystore, e.g. .p12 format) provided by this DAPS that can be used to uniquely identify the connector.

In the case that you do not have access to a publicly available DAPS or do not have a certificate for one, you can set up and configure a local DAPS instance for testing. To do so, please follow this guide.


The following modules are used for this launcher:


Name Description
core all core modules, including e.g. the BaseRuntime as well as the modules for transfer and contract negotiation


Name Description
extensions:data-protocols:ids contains all IDS modules, e.g. for dispatching and handling IDS multipart messages
extensions:filesystem:configuration-fs reads configuration properties from a file in the file-system
extensions:filesystem:vault-fs file-system based vault, required for using a certificate from the file-system
extensions:iam:oauth2:oauth2-core provides OAuth2 authentication, required as DAPS is OAuth2 based
extensions:iam:oauth2:oauth2-daps provides the DAPS specific extension for OAuth2
extensions:api:management-api provides endpoints e.g. for initiating a contract negotiation or a data transfer

All stores used in this launcher are in-memory implementations, meaning all data will be lost once the connector is shut down. If you want data to be persisted even after the connector shuts down, you may want to exchange the in-memory implementations for e.g. CosmosDB backed implementations.


Some extensions used in this launcher require certain configuration values to be provided at application start. Since the filesystem:configuration-fs extension is used, we can provide these values in a .properties file. You can find an example in this launcher's directory. Please adjust this for your setup as follows:

  • web.http.port: The EDC's port defaults to 8181. Adjust this property to run it on a different port.
  • web.http.path: The default path prefix under which endpoints are available.
  • web.http.ids.port: The port on which IDS endpoints (currently only the Multipart endpoint) are available.
  • web.http.ids.path: The path prefix under which IDS endpoints (currently only the Multipart endpoint) are available.
  • ids.webhook.address: Set this to the address at which another connector can reach your connector, as it is used as a callback address during the contract negotiation, where messages are exchanged asynchronously. If you change the IDS API port, make sure to adjust the webhook address accordingly.
  • edc.api.auth.key: Value of the header used for authentication when calling endpoints of the management API.
  • edc.oauth.token.url: Set this to the URL of the DAPS you want to use followed by /token or /v2/token, depending on the DAPS used.
  • Identifier from the certificate for the DAPS. You can find instructions on how to get the identifier from the certificate below.
  • edc.oauth.provider.audience: Audience used when requesting a token from the DAPS. This feature can be used to limit the validity of the token to certain connectors, but is currently not supported by the DAPS. Therefore, this property has to be set to idsc:IDS_CONNECTORS_ALL.
  • edc.oauth.provider.jwks.url: Set this to the URL of the DAPS you want to use followed by /.well-known/jwks.json.
  • edc.oauth.certificate.alias: Set this to your certificate's alias in the keystore.
  • edc.oauth.private.key.alias: Set this to your certificate's alias in the keystore.

Getting the Certificate Identifier

You can get the identifier of the certificate by using openssl. For this, a .cert file is required (not the .p12). If you only have the .p12 file available, you can extract the certificate by running:

openssl pkcs12 -in <your-keystore>.p12 -out <output-name-of-your-cert>.cert -nodes

When you have the .cert file available, you next need to extract the Subject Key Identifier and the Authority Key Identifier, as these two compose the complete identifier.

1. Getting the Subject Key Identifier

To get the Subject Key Identifier, run the following command:

openssl x509 -in <your-cert>.cert -noout -text | grep -A1 "Subject Key Identifier"

This will return output similar to the following, where the second line is the Subject Key Identifier:

X509v3 Subject Key Identifier: 

2. Getting the Authority Key Identifier

To get the Authority Key Identifier, run the following command:

openssl x509 -in <your-cert>.cert -noout -text | grep -A1 "Authority Key Identifier"

This will return output similar to the following, where the second line is the Authority Key Identifier:

X509v3 Authority Key Identifier: 

3. Composing the Identifier

The Subject Key Identifier and the Authority Key Identifier, separated by a colon, compose the certificate identifier. So your resulting identifier should look as follows:


Set this identifier in the for

Running the launcher

After the configuration has been adjusted, the launcher can be run. As a Dockerfile is provided, you can either run the connector locally or as a Docker container.

When running the connector, some additional properties have to be provided as system properties:

  • edc.fs.config: The path to the file.
  • edc.vault: The path to the file (required by the vault-fs extension, can be set to point to the file).
  • edc.keystore: The path to the keystore.
  • edc.keystore.password: The password for the keystore.

Note, that in case you are using an external DAPS or running your local DAPS under HTTPS, the DAPS is likely to use a self-signed SSL certificate, which will not be trusted by the connector by default. In that case, supply a custom truststore and password via the system properties and in the same way as the other system properties.

Local setup

To run the connector locally, build the .jar using the Gradle wrapper and then run it using Java. In the run command, be sure to provide the aforementioned system properties. Run the following commands in the root directory of the project:

./gradlew clean :launchers:ids-connector:build
java -Dedc.fs.config=<> \
    -Dedc.vault=<> \
    -Dedc.keystore=<path-to-keystore> \
    -Dedc.keystore.password=<keystore-password> \
    -jar launchers/ids-connector/build/libs/dataspace-connector.jar


This launcher provides a Dockerfile, which builds the connector and uses environment variables for setting the system properties from the java command. Thus, the image only has to be built once and can then be used for different deployments. By default, no custom truststore is supplied in the Dockerfile. If you need to use a custom truststore, please have a look at this section.

To build the image, run the following command in the root directory of the project:

docker build -t edc-ids-connector -f launchers/ids-connector/Dockerfile .

Before running the image, you need to create an .env file supplying the system properties. You can adjust the ids-connector.env supplied in this sample. The paths to the properties and keystore files should not point to your local environment this time, but to the location where you mount the files in the container. Therefore, make sure that the paths match the mount paths in the command below.

In the following command, adjust the port if you changed it in your and adjust the mounted volumes to match your environment. The mounted volumes should contain the file as well as the keystore. If you added the system properties for a custom truststore to the Dockerfile, make sure to mount the truststore as well.

docker run -p 8181:8181 -p 8282:8282 \
    --env-file ./launchers/ids-connector/ids-connector.env \
    -v '/directory/with/properties:/config/' \
    -v '/directory/with/keystore:/config/keystore.p12' \

Custom truststore

If you need to use a custom truststore, add the properties and to the ENTRYPOINT in the Dockerfile:

ENTRYPOINT java \ \"urn:connector:edc-connector-24" \
    -Dedc.ids.title="Eclipse Dataspace Connector" \
    -Dedc.ids.description="Eclipse Dataspace Connector with IDS extensions" \
    -Dedc.ids.maintainer="" \
    -jar dataspace-connector.jar

The corresponding values are added to the env file:


When running the image, make sure to mount the truststore:

docker run -p 8181:8181 -p 8282:8282 \
    --env-file ./launchers/ids-connector/ids-connector.env \
    -v '/directory/with/properties:/config/' \
    -v '/directory/with/keystore:/config/keystore.p12' \
    -v '/directory/with/truststore:/config/truststore.p12' \

Setting up a local DAPS instance

If you do not have access to an external DAPS, you can set up your own local instance for testing. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Checkout the Omejdn DAPS repository
  2. Retrieve the submodules:
    git submodule update --init --remote
  3. Generate a key and a certificate for the DAPS instance:
     openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -x509 -days 3650 -keyout keys/omejdn/omejdn.key -out daps.cert
  4. Modify .env in the project root: set DAPS_DOMAIN to the URL your DAPS instance will be running at.
  5. Register a connector (the security profile is optional and will default to idsc:BASE_SECURITY_PROFILE if not specified):
    scripts/ <client-name-for-connector> <security-profile>
  6. Optionally, you can register more connectors by running step 5 multiple times with different client names.
  7. Run the DAPS:
    docker compose -f compose-development.yml up
  8. When you see omejdn-server_1 | == Sinatra (v2.1.0) has taken the stage on 4567 for development with backup from Thin in the logs, the DAPS is ready to accept requests.

The URL under which the connector can reach the DAPS is http://localhost:80 due to the NGINX used in the docker-compose file.

Creating the keystore for the connector

After running step 5 from the above list, two files named <client-name-from-step-5>.cert and <client-name-from-step-5>.key have been added in the keys directory. Using openssl and these files, a keystore can be created. The following command will create the keystore in the root directory of the DAPS repository. To create it in a specific directory, precede <client-name>.p12 with the desired output path.

openssl pkcs12 -export -in keys/<client-name>.cert -inkey keys/<client-name>.key -out <client-name>.p12

In the resulting keystore, the certificate will have alias 1.