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the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/ar-rSA/messages.json b/locales/ar-rSA/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/ar-rSA/messages.json +++ b/locales/ar-rSA/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/ca-rES/messages.json b/locales/ca-rES/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/ca-rES/messages.json +++ b/locales/ca-rES/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/cs-rCZ/messages.json b/locales/cs-rCZ/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/cs-rCZ/messages.json +++ b/locales/cs-rCZ/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/da-rDK/messages.json b/locales/da-rDK/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/da-rDK/messages.json +++ b/locales/da-rDK/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/de-rDE/messages.json b/locales/de-rDE/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/de-rDE/messages.json +++ b/locales/de-rDE/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/el-rGR/messages.json b/locales/el-rGR/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/el-rGR/messages.json +++ b/locales/el-rGR/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/es-rES/messages.json b/locales/es-rES/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/es-rES/messages.json +++ b/locales/es-rES/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/fi-rFI/messages.json b/locales/fi-rFI/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/fi-rFI/messages.json +++ b/locales/fi-rFI/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/fr-rFR/messages.json b/locales/fr-rFR/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/fr-rFR/messages.json +++ b/locales/fr-rFR/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/hu-rHU/messages.json b/locales/hu-rHU/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/hu-rHU/messages.json +++ b/locales/hu-rHU/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/it-rIT/messages.json b/locales/it-rIT/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/it-rIT/messages.json +++ b/locales/it-rIT/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/iw-rIL/messages.json b/locales/iw-rIL/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/iw-rIL/messages.json +++ b/locales/iw-rIL/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/ja-rJP/messages.json b/locales/ja-rJP/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/ja-rJP/messages.json +++ b/locales/ja-rJP/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/ko-rKR/messages.json b/locales/ko-rKR/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/ko-rKR/messages.json +++ b/locales/ko-rKR/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/nl-rNL/messages.json b/locales/nl-rNL/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/nl-rNL/messages.json +++ b/locales/nl-rNL/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/no-rNO/messages.json b/locales/no-rNO/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/no-rNO/messages.json +++ b/locales/no-rNO/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/pl-rPL/messages.json b/locales/pl-rPL/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/pl-rPL/messages.json +++ b/locales/pl-rPL/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/pt-rBR/messages.json b/locales/pt-rBR/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/pt-rBR/messages.json +++ b/locales/pt-rBR/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/pt-rPT/messages.json b/locales/pt-rPT/messages.json index 13354b3..a4f0e3b 100644 --- a/locales/pt-rPT/messages.json +++ b/locales/pt-rPT/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Mostrar o número de tokens utilizados ao longo de uma lição nas estatísticas no final.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remover Continuar na App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remover o aviso que pergunta se pretende continuar na aplicação.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Ícone da Extensão", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Mostrar o ícone da extensão na barra de navegação (isto pode causar overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Reportar Problema", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Avalia-nos", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/ro-rRO/messages.json b/locales/ro-rRO/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/ro-rRO/messages.json +++ b/locales/ro-rRO/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/ru-rRU/messages.json b/locales/ru-rRU/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/ru-rRU/messages.json +++ b/locales/ru-rRU/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/sr-rSP/messages.json b/locales/sr-rSP/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/sr-rSP/messages.json +++ b/locales/sr-rSP/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/sv-rSE/messages.json b/locales/sv-rSE/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/sv-rSE/messages.json +++ b/locales/sv-rSE/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/tr-rTR/messages.json b/locales/tr-rTR/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/tr-rTR/messages.json +++ b/locales/tr-rTR/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/uk-rUA/messages.json b/locales/uk-rUA/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/uk-rUA/messages.json +++ b/locales/uk-rUA/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/vi-rVN/messages.json b/locales/vi-rVN/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/vi-rVN/messages.json +++ b/locales/vi-rVN/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/zh-rCN/messages.json b/locales/zh-rCN/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/zh-rCN/messages.json +++ b/locales/zh-rCN/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file diff --git a/locales/zh-rTW/messages.json b/locales/zh-rTW/messages.json index 852f25c..c9cac6a 100644 --- a/locales/zh-rTW/messages.json +++ b/locales/zh-rTW/messages.json @@ -66,5 +66,37 @@ "settingsTokensUsedDescription": { "message": "Show the number of tokens used throughout a lesson in the stats at the end.", "description": "description for the tokens used setting." + }, + "settingsMobileLabel": { + "message": "Mobile", + "description": "label for the mobile section." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInApp": { + "message": "Remove Continue in App", + "description": "label for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsRemoveContinueInAppDescription": { + "message": "Remove constant prompt asking to continue in the app.", + "description": "description for the remove continue in app setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIcon": { + "message": "Extension Icon", + "description": "label for the extension icon setting." + }, + "settingsExtensionIconDescription": { + "message": "Show the extension icon in the toolbar (this might cause overflow).", + "description": "description for the extension icon setting." + }, + "APIKey": { + "message": "API Key", + "description": "Isolated occurence of the term 'API Key'." + }, + "popupFooterReportIssue": { + "message": "Report Issue", + "description": "Footer option to report an issue." + }, + "popupFooterRateUs": { + "message": "Rate Us", + "description": "Footer option to rate the extension." } } \ No newline at end of file