unifiedapi is a http api which consists of both the contents of the koerby-API and the daft-API. Everything is proxied by nginx to serve everything on a single URL/port, and therefore provide a unified advanced programmers interface.
Your computer needs docker and docker-compose installed. Furthermore you need to copy the data into the koerbyapi and daftapi directories (symlinks will not work).
Build the images by invoking
$ make build name=koerby
$ make build name=daft
The command
$ make export name=daft
$ make export name=koerby
will save both images as tarball to be put on a remote host.
The tarballs with the images can be loaded with
$ make load name=daft
$ make load name=koerby
daft needs access to the internet. If your server is behind a proxy, you need to set the environment variables for the daftapi service. This has to be done in the docker-compose.yml.
- "HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.uni-leipzig.de:3128"
- "HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxy.uni-leipzig.de:3128"
Open the docker-compose.yml in a text editor of your choice and enter the correct absolute path for the proxy/nginx.conf.
- ENTER_YOUR_ABSOLUTE_PATH_HERE/proxy/nginx.conf:/etc/nginx/nginx.conf:ro
Start everything up, by invoking
$ docker-compose up -d
- F. Rämisch raemisch@ub.uni-leipzig.de
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