Most of the types that used to be in this package now have equivalents in flow@0.53, so I'm deprecating them. The most important type that still remains is HigherOrderComponent
. If you come up with more useful types for react, feel free to submit a PR :)
$ npm install --save-dev react-flow-types
The generic type of a higher-order component. A HigherOrderComponent
always provides a set of props to the inner component, and requires another set of props to be passed to it.
import type {HigherOrderComponent} from 'react-flow-types'
type RequiredProps = {
name: string,
type ProvidedProps = {
input: {
value: mixed,
onChange: Function,
// The hoc:
const asField = (): HigherOrderComponent<RequiredProps, ProvidedProps> => (component): any => {
const FinalComponent = ({name,}) =>
<ReduxFormField name={name} component={component} props={rest} />;
hoistNonReactStatics(FinalComponent, component)
FinalComponent.displayName =
`asField(${component.displayName || || 'Component'})`
return FinalComponent
const Input = ({input}) => <input type="text" {...input} />
const WrapperInput = asField(Input)
const element = <WrappedInput name="email" />