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A GUI for executing binaries on Morello and aarch64 architecture. Binaries are executed using morello-api.


At BUILD time, morello-ui is configured using environment variables in a .env file at the root of the repository:

variable required default description
DSBD_API_HOST N localhost Morello API host name
DSBD_API_PORT N 3001 Morello API port

At RUNTIME, edit config.js. Default values:

  dsbdApiPort: 3001,
  dsbdApiHost: 'localhost',

Getting started

 # start dependencies
docker compose up -d
 # install packages
npm i
 # start service in dev mode
npm run dev

View the UI at localhost:3000.


Utilise webpack to bundle everything for production use by running:

npm build

This will create a build/ folder where bundled .js files will live which can be served by a web service.

Integration E2E testing

This repository uses Cypress for testing UI. Specs are found in cypress/integration.

To run tests, start the service:

npm run dev

In a separate console window run either:

npm run test:integration
# OR
npm run test:dev # runs component test runner
