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A user interface for Veritable that allows to manage connections across supply chain and perform queries in relation to the supply chain. Utilizing TSOA, HTMX and @kitajs/html for JSX templates.

Table of Contents


veritable-ui depends on a few external services:

  • veritable-cloudagent - APIs for managing connections, credentials and messages.
  • keycloak - runs as a docker image for each node that handles authentication and users.


⚠️ last updated: 01/08/2024

  • docker v27.0.3+
  • npm 10.0.0+
  • node 22.0.0+
  • postgresql 16.3+

Getting started

Ensure you're running the correct version of npm, then install dependencies using:

npm install

After all packages have been installed run the below command which will create two files: src/routes.ts, ./build/swagger.json

npm run tsoa:build

Once TSOA build has completed, then run a typescript compiler

npm run build

πŸ“ Note that this is just the service on itself without other dependencies like keycloak or database, for local development please refer to the section below

Development mode

Before reading this please make sure that you have executed all the tasks from Getting Started section (installation and build), should have a directory /build and make sure there is at a minimum an empty .env at the root of project containing the below:


After creating .env file in your root you can execute docker which will bring all the nodes and required services for local development

docker compose --env-file .env up -d --build

πŸ“ If doing this for the first it might take some time to pull all the images

Followed by the database migrations

npm run db:migrate

πŸ“ Optional: you can seed some mock data for rendering some items in tables and etc. run: npm run db:seed

Also, we need to create some credential definitions along with veritable-cloudagent instance

npm run dev:init

Finally, start the service and enjoy local development

npm run dev

πŸ’‘ When service is running, it can be accessed on http://localhost:3000/. Api Docs are available on http://localhost:3000/api-docs and swagger http://localhost:3000/swagger/. If you have opted to use SMTP_EMAIL for EMAIL_TRANSPORT env you'll find the server on http://localhost:5001/.

Environment variables

This is the list of all environment variables including brief description

variable name required default description
PORT y 3000 Port number of the service
LOG_LEVEL n info Logging level. Valid values are [ trace , debug , info , warn , error , fatal ]
DB_HOST y localhost The database hostname / host
DB_NAME y veritable-ui The port for the database
DB_USERNAME y postgres The database username
DB_PASSWORD y postgres The database password
DB_PORT y 5432 The database port number
COOKIE_SESSION_KEYS y ['secret'] Session cookies
PUBLIC_URL y http://localhost:3000 URL that UI can be accessed
API_SWAGGER_BG_COLOR n #fafafa Swagger background color
API_SWAGGER_TITLE n Veritable Title for swagger interface
API_SWAGGER_HEADING n Veritable Heading for swagger interface
IDP_CLIENT_ID y veritable-ui Client ID required for Keycloak
IDP_PUBLIC_URL_PREFIX y http://localhost:3080/realms/veritable/protocol/openid-connect Public authentication URL
IDP_INTERNAL_URL_PREFIX y http://localhost:3080/realms/veritable/protocol/openid-connect Internal authentication URL
IDP_AUTH_PATH y /auth Auth path for keycloak
IDP_TOKEN_PATH y /token Tokens path for keycloak
IDP_JWKS_PATH y /certs Certificates path for keycloak
COMPANY_HOUSE_API_URL y An external service that contain list of all UK companies, look ups
VERITABLE_COMPANY_PROFILE_API_KEY y - An API KEY required to access the company-information service
EMAIL_TRANSPORT y STREAM Nodemailer transport for sending emails which can be STREAM or SMTP_EMAIL. If SMTP_EMAIL additional configuration of the transport will be needed and is described below
EMAIL_FROM_ADDRESS y Email address that will appear "send from" in an automated emails
EMAIL_ADMIN_ADDRESS y Admin's email address that will receive a copy of all comms
CLOUDAGENT_ADMIN_ORIGIN y http://localhost:3100 veritabler-cloudagent url
CLOUDAGENT_ADMIN_WS_ORIGIN y ws://localhost:3100 veritable-cloudagent web socker address/url
INVITATION_PIN_SECRET y Buffer.from('secret', 'utf8') an encoded array of utf-8 format
INVITATION_PIN_ATTEMPT_LIMIT y 5 number of allowed pin validation attempts
INVITATION_FROM_COMPANY_NUMBER n 07964699 default company number, currently is us
ISSUANCE_DID_POLICY y EXISTING_OR_NEW DID and either create or use existing: [CREATE_NEW, FIND_EXIStING, EXISTING_OR_NEW, did:somedid]
ISSUANCE_SCHEMA_POLICY y EXISTING_OR_NEW Same as above but for credential schema
ISSUANCE_CRED_DEF_POLICY y EXISTING_OR_NEW Same as above but this is for credential definitions
DEMO_MODE y true Enables or disables the /reset endpoint

SMTP transport configuration

If using the SMTP_EMAIL value for EMAIL_TRANSPORT the following additional configuration applies

variable name required default description
SMTP_HOST y Specifies the hostname of the SMTP server
SMTP_PORT y Defines the port number on which the SMTP server is listening
SMTP_SECURE n true A boolean indicating whether the connection to the SMTP server should be secure (i.e., use TLS/SSL)
SMTP_USER y Specifies the username for authenticating with the SMTP server, default is empty string. No authentication is required for local development environments
SMTP_PASS y Specifies the password for authenticating with the SMTP server, default is empty string. No authentication is required for local development environments


Currently this repository consist of two test types: [integration, unit] and we are using a combination of mocha, chai and sinon frameworks

Unit Testing

Unit tests in this repository are done per service/module or class, and follow the bellow pattern. In tests directories collated with the units they test.

# example
β”œβ”€β”€ __tests__
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ example.test.ts
β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ __tests__
β”‚   β”‚   β”œβ”€β”€ index.test.ts
β”œβ”€β”€ __tests__

Unit tests can be executed by running:

npm run test:unit

Integration Testing

Integration tests are placed at the root level of a repository and can be found at the root level test/ folder along with mock services and helpers and a test environment variables that will be in test/test.env.

Integration tests can be run locally by executing the below command (it is recommended to add debugging so you can follow the logs in the console, refer to testcontainers section)

npm run test:integration

e2e Testing

E2e tests are placed at root level in the test/ directory. You can run them either directly or in a docker container (how they are run in the CI).

Install dependencies for playwright with:

npx playwright install

Bring up all the docker containers necessary with:

docker compose up -d --build --scale veritable-ui-alice=1

Then run:

npm run test:e2e

(it is recommended to add debugging so you can follow the logs in the console, refer to testcontainers section) A browser window will pop up where you can run tests and follow their progress. Alternatively you can run:

npm run test:playwright

This will run the tests without the ui.

To run the e2e tests in a docker container use:

docker compose -f docker-compose.e2e.yml up

Then you'll find the test results in directory playwright-report at root level.


so see logs from a container e.g. if it is dying on startup add:

.withLogConsumer((stream) => {
    stream.on('data', (line) => console.log(line))
    stream.on('err', (line) => console.error(line))
    stream.on('end', () => console.log('Stream closed'))

and run with

DEBUG=testcontainers* npm run test:integration


DEBUG=testcontainers* npm run test:e2e

Normally the containers are removed after a run, however you can keep them for further inspection by adding this:

await container.stop({ remove: false })


This service is dependant on postgreSQL which will sync up across all nodes and will update cloudagent when needed. We use knex wrapper for wrapping [create, read, write, update] database quries. We also have different models for inserting and returning data which gives us a control of sensitive data or data we do not want to get along the record. We also use zod for enchanted validation. It's currently used in src/models/db/types.ts file.

Main configuration file can be found in at the root level of a repo knexfile.js other files such as migrations can be found in src/models/db directory.

Migrations, do not update an existing file, please create a new one using knex. New migrations will appear in src/models/db/migrations/ directory.

# creating a new migration
npm run db:cmd -- migrate:make migration_name -x ts

# running migrations
npm run db:migrate

Seeds, currently seeds are at the root level of a repository seeds/.

npm run db:seed

Service Specifics

We do have a init.ts file that sets up veritable-cloudagent and credential definition along with schema. Covered in Development Mode Note: If you have changed what will be rendered in different components, it is likely you will have to update snapshots for tests to pass. Refer to chai-jest-snapshot documentation to do that.

Establishing connection

Bring up as per above (docker compose, run migrations and seed, then npm run dev). You can find Bob's UI on localhost:3001 and Alice's on localhost:3000. On Bob's UI go to Connections > Invite New Connection and enter a valid Company House Number (for testing purposes we have been using Digital Catapult's). Enter an email and submit your invite. Then in the list of Bob's connections you should see a new connection in 'Pending' state. Then go to Docker -> container called Bob in it's logs you will find a generated invite and also a pin code. You will enter the invitation and pin into Alice's UI in Connections > Add From Invitation. NOTE: you will need to format the Invitation Text. You need to remove any datetime stamps from the logs, remove spaces and equal signs and make sure that there are no leading ot trailing spaces when pasted to the form.