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Cloudwatch Alarm to Slack

Basic AWS lambda function use to raise received notifications to Slack.

Notification originates from Cloudwatch Alarm -> SNS -> Lambda


Expects either SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL or SLACK_WEBHOOK_SECRET env var to raise notifications:

  • SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL - Webook URL value
  • SLACK_WEBHOOK_SECRET - AWS SecretsManager Id containing webook URL as plain text.

If not supplied it will print payload that would be sent to Slack. If both supplied SLACK_WEBHOOK_URL takes precedence.

Parses incoming SNS message and POSTs to above webhook url.

See sample.json for example data, this allows the to be run locally.

See to build zip file with dependencies


Terraform creates:

  • Lambda function
  • SNS Topic
  • SNS Topic subscription to Lambda
  • SNS Topic policy to allow Cloudwatch Alarms to publish
  • if SLACK_WEBHOOK_SECRET provided:
    • AWS Parameters and Secrets Lambda Extension layer is added
    • Permissions for Lambda execution policy to read secret


Variable Description Default
s3_bucket S3 bucket containing cloudwatch-to-slack Lambda function
s3_key S3 key for cloudwatch-to-slack Lambda function
sns_topic_arn ARN of topic that will trigger Lambda
prefix Prefix for services
slack_webhook_url Slack webhook URL to call (optional)
slack_webhook_secret AWS SecretsManager secret storing Slack webhook URL to call (optional)
runtime Python runtime to use for lambda python3.11
dead_letter_arn (Optional) ARN of SNS topic or SQS queue to notify if invocation fails


Variable Description
sns_topic_arn ARN of SNS topic for handling Cloudwatch Alarm
role_arn ARN of lambda role