Random little repo for stuff I put together for my Elektron devices that may be useful to others. ...well, when I fill it with more stuff.
A PowerShell script I've put together to convert sound library folders into a format more suitable for the device. I use this to downsample etc. samples for my Digitakt 2, and can be called in dividual directories with different settings. So I've got the Amiga 'ST' Sample Packs reduced to a suitable quality, to keep the original files how they are, for example.
A 3D printable stand for either one device, or two in a top/bottom layout. There's also a VESA mount for attaching the device's PSU to itself for convenience.
(there will be) sounds, etc. made for my Elektron stuff.
Everything here should be mine directly, and I hereby licence as unlicenced - do what you want with anything in here, with or without credit EXCEPT FOR ANY FILES THAT HAVE THEIR OWN LICENCE FILE. I'm not planning on restricting anything, but, y'know, just in case...