Live streaming data from AxLE devices (part of Open Movement). This repo is moved from the old GitLab repo.
- UART Service UUID:
- TX Characteristic UUID:
- RX Characteristic UUID:
openssl req -newkey rsa:2048 -new -nodes -keyout key.pem -out csr.pem && openssl x509 -req -days 365 -in csr.pem -signkey key.pem -out server.crt
http-server -S -K key.pem -C server.crt
Commands allowed when unauthenticated:
EXXXXXX: Erase all e.g. EXXXXXX (master password only)
XXXXXX = master password
PPPPPP = password (defaults to master password)
PXXXXXX: Set the password
XXXXXX: New password if authenticated
Authenticated commands (following 'U' command):
E: Erase all device data
E?: Read Battery, Reset and Erase cycles - Format = B:xx,R:xx,E:xx\r\n
E!: Erase all, including cycle counts, restore defaults
O: All hardware controls off. LEDs and motor off
1: Motor output test
2: LED2 output test, green
3: LED3 output test, blue
M: Motor pulse output
B or B?: Battery sample. Percent %
A or A?: Accelerometer sample. X, Y, Z, Orientation
T or T?: Read the device time
TXXXXXXXX: Set the time to X
H or H?: Read
Set/read logging end time, hibernate start
Response: H:XXXX
L: Request lower power slower connection
F: Request faster higher power connection
V or V?: Query connection interval. Response for 48ms is V:48
VXXXX: Set connection interval milliseconds
C or C?: Toggle or query cueing on for an hour or off
CXXXX: Set new cuing period to X* and turn on
NXXXX or N?: Set epoch period span with NXX*.
Default is 60 seconds. - Not fully tested
Y: Hardware control, empty battery using outputs - Not for normal use
WXXXX: Write download block number, responds as with 'Q' query
Q or Q?: Query command.
Response: time, T:
active block, B:
active samples, N:
active epoch, E:
block count, C:
download block I:
SXXXX: Sync epoch timing by offset X*.
Response: S:xxxx
R: Read command.
Response: Active block in ascii hex - A block is 510 bytes + Checksum (2 bytes)
Data structure:
typedef union Epoch_sample_tag {
uint16_t w[4];
uint8_t b[8];
struct {
int8_t batt;
int8_t temp;
int8_t accel;
int8_t steps;
int8_t epoch[4];
} part;
} Epoch_sample_t;
// Information tag in each block
typedef struct EpochBlockInfo_tag {
uint16_t block_number;
uint16_t data_length;
uint32_t time_stamp;
} EpochBlockInfo_t;
// Epoch data block type
typedef struct Epoch_block_tag {
// Tag at start of each block - 8 bytes
EpochBlockInfo_t info;
// Block data format
uint16_t blockFormat;
// Extended data area, implementation specific
uint8_t meta_data[20];
// 480 bytes of sequential epoch entries (1 hour/ 60 mins)
Epoch_sample_t epoch_data[EPOCH_BLOCK_DATA_COUNT];
// Checksum, ECC or CRC etc.
uint16_t check;
} Epoch_block_t;
I: IMU stream on/off
Response: Streaming accel data - Raw ascii-hex data stream in format
// Add streaming packet data header for time, batt, temp, count, etc...
timeStamp, // 8 chars
battRaw, // 4 chars
tempRaw, // 4 chars
accel_samples[25], // 25 * 12 chars
terminator, // "\r\n", 2 chars
D: Debug
Response: Debug values stream output - Experimental only
G: Goal function setup - Not fully tested
GOXXXX: Set goal period offset to X*
GPXXXX: Set goal period value to X*
GGXXXX: Set the goal threshold value to X*
Response: O:X P:Y G:Z value output
X: Device reset - Used to reset to bootloader for firmware update
X!: Reset now
XD: Stop app, start bootloader
XNNNN: Pause logger for N* seconds
* Value setting entered in ascii hex format.
i.e. 266 = 256 + 10 = 0A01