This is the API for Abrantos project.
Abrantos is a fun sideproject that aims to be a kind of social network for people with bad luck, where you can quantify how unlucky you were in a day and share your status with friends.
- .NET Core 2.2
- EF Core
- JWT implementation
- RESTful design
- Swagger UI
- Identity
- PostreSQL
- Dependency Injection
- Sendgrid support for emailing
- Complete social network environment
- Install ASP.NET Core 2.2 SDK and Runtime
- Install PostgreSQL
- Create an env variable like so:
Key: AbrantosConnectionString
Value: Server=localhost;Database=AbrantosDb;Port=5432;User Id=postgres;Password=YOURPGPASSWORD; - Run
dotnet ef database update
- Finally:
dotnet run