The Hourly API is a REST API and includes an OpenAPI specification . It isn't published on the internet but can be run locally by using the following command:
go run
This will run the Hourly API on port 8989 on localhost and contains the actual data for the assignment.
The Go client is a client for the Hourly API. It can be used to retrieve the data from the API and can be used to create a CLI or a web application. Note that it requires authorization by using a token. The token can be retrieved by using the /api/auth/tokens
package main
import (
hourly ""
func main() {
// Setup bearer token authentication
provider, err := securityprovider.NewSecurityProviderBearerToken("my-token")
if err != nil {
// Setup client-side middleware to add the authorization header
authOption := hourly.WithRequestEditorFn(provider.Intercept)
// Create a new client for the Hourly API with the middleware
client, err := hourly.NewClientWithResponses("http://localhost:8989", authOption)
if err != nil {
// Do something with: client