A client library for sending and receiving iMessages from and to a BlueBubbles server.
- Google FCM device registration
- iCloud Find My support
- Socket.IO events (for notifications)
Instantiate the client with your server URL and password:
using BlueBubbles.API;
var client = new BlueBubblesClient("http://myserver:1234/", "password");
using System.IO;
using BlueBubbles.API.Models.Attachment;
// Grab the attachment from a message entity that has one
// (replace this with wherever you got your attachment object)
var attachment = message.Attachments[0];
// Downloads and saves it to a file
using var stream = await client.Attachment.DownloadAsync(attachment.Guid);
using var file = File.Create(attachment.TransferName);
using BlueBubbles.API.Models.Chat;
// Creates a new chat with a phone number and message
var response = await client.Chat.CreateAsync(new ChatCreateRequest(new[] { "+18005551234" }, "Hello world!"));
var chat = response.Data; // Your newly created chat
using BlueBubbles.API.Models.Chat;
var response = await client.Chat.QueryAsync(new ChatQueryRequest()
Limit = 10, // Limits the amount of results to 10
Offset = 0, // Pagination offset by 0
Sort = "lastmessage", // Sorts by the last message sent
With = { "lastMessage", "sms" }, // Populate the last message sent in the chat
var chats = response.Data;
// Loops through chats and prints the participants and last message
foreach (var chat in chats)
Console.WriteLine($"Addresses: {string.Join(", ", chat.Participants.Select(h => h.Address))}");
Console.WriteLine($"Last message: {chat.LastMessage.Text}");
using BlueBubbles.API.Models.Message;
// You can specify how many messages you want with limit and offset
var response = await client.Chat.GetMessagesAsync(chat.Guid, limit: 10, offset: 0);
var messages = response.Data;
// Loops through each message and prints the text
foreach (var message in messages)
using BlueBubbles.API.Models.Contact;
var response = await client.Contact.GetAsync();
var contacts = response.Data;
// Loops through contacts and sorts them by first name
foreach (var contact in contacts.OrderBy(c => c.FirstName))
// Prints the first and last name of the contact
Console.WriteLine($"-- {contact.FirstName} {contact.LastName} --");
// Loops through and prints any phone numbers and emails
foreach (var phoneNumber in contact.PhoneNumbers)
Console.WriteLine($"Phone number: {phoneNumber.Address}");
foreach (var email in contact.Emails)
Console.WriteLine($"Email: {email.Address}");
using BlueBubbles.API.Models.Handle;
var response = await client.Handle.QueryAsync(new HandleQueryRequest()
Limit = 10, // Limits the amount of results to 10
Offset = 0, // Pagination offset by 0
Address = "+18005551234", // The address to query
With = { "chat" }, // Populate the chats the handle is in
var handles = response.Data;
// Loops through handles and prints their address (phone number or email) and country
foreach (var handle in handles)
Console.WriteLine($"Address: {handle.Address}");
Console.WriteLine($"Country: {handle.Country}");
using BlueBubbles.API.Models.Message;
var response = client.Message.SendText(new MessageTextRequest(chat.Guid, "Hello world!"));
var message = response.Data; // Your newly created text message
using BlueBubbles.API.Models.Message;
// Opens the file and sends it to the chat
var fileInfo = new FileInfo(@"D:\Pictures\test.png");
using (var fileStream = fileInfo.OpenRead())
var response = client.Message.SendAttachment(new MessageAttachmentRequest(chat.Guid, fileInfo.Name, fileStream));
var message = response.Data; // Your newly created attachment message
using BlueBubbles.API.Models.Message;
// Sends a like (thumbs up) tapback to a text message
var response = client.Message.React(new MessageReactRequest(chat.Guid, message.Guid, MessageReaction.AddLike));
using BlueBubbles.API.Models.Server;
var response = await client.Server.GetInfoAsync();
var serverInfo = response.Data;
Console.WriteLine($"OS version: {serverInfo.OSVersion}");
Console.WriteLine($"Server version: {serverInfo.ServerVersion}");
Console.WriteLine($"Is Private API enabled:{serverInfo.PrivateAPIEnabled}");
Console.WriteLine($"Proxy service: {serverInfo.ProxyService}");
Console.WriteLine($"Is Private API helper connected:{serverInfo.HelperConnected}");
Console.WriteLine($"Detected iCloud Email: {serverInfo.DetectediCloudEmail}");