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A python Framework for Simple Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms

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Formigueiro - A python Framework for Simple Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms

Formigueiro is a framework that transforms user provided constructive heuristics into Ant Colony Optimization (ACO) algorithms.

A Quick Introduction to Ant Colony Optimization

Combinatorial Optimization

In Combinatorial Optimization problems, possible (or feasible) solutions are made up of components. Combinations of components that satisfy the problem constraints (that "make sense" as solutions) are called feasible solutions. Finding optimal solutions (feasible combinations of components that minimize an objective function) is often hard.

Constructive Heuristics

Constructive heuristics build solutions by iteratively adding components to an initially empty set. At each step, they employ some criterion to select one from a set of components whose selection can potentially lead to a feasible solution.

Ant Colony Optimization

In nature, ants cooperate in finding resources by depositing pheromone along their traveled paths. Ant Colony Optimization is a metaheuristic inspired by this behavior.

Ants are responsible for applying a constructive algorithm to build solutions. After the solution is built, they might deposit pheromone on the components they employed. The amount of pheromone depends on the quality of the solution they found.

During the construction phase, the next component to be added to the solution is selected probabilistically. The probability pc for the selection of a component c takes into account the amount of pheromone τc deposited on that component by all the ants as well as a measure ηc of the cost of employing that component on a solution.

Let C be the set of components available to be selected at the current iteration. Let A be the set of ants. In Ant System (one of the most basic ACO variations) the following formula for the probability of selecting component c is used:

pc = τcαηcβc'∈Cτc'αηc'β

After the construction and an optional local search phase, pheromones are then updated:

τc ← (1-ρ)τc + Σa∈AΔτca,

where Δτca = Q/f(a) if c is used by ant a, 0 otherwise; and f(a) is the objective value of the solution built by ant a.

α, β, ρ, and Q are algorithm parameters.

Main Variations

Ant System

Explained above.

Max-Min Ant System
  • Pheromone values are updated only by global or iteration best ants.
  • There are upper and lower limits on the amount of pheromone of each component.
Ant Colony System
  • Pheromone values are updated only by global or iteration best ants.
  • Local pheromone updates: Ants update component pheromones as soon as they are selected: τc ← (1-φ)τc + φτ0. The initial amount of pheromone on each component is τ0 and φ is an algorithm parameter.
  • Pseudorandom proportional rule: In order to select the next component, an ant draws a random number q ∈ [0, 1]. If q ≤ q0, where q0 is an algorithm parameter, the next component will be the one that maximizes τcηcβ. Else, the classic rule is applied.

How to Use the Framework

In short, we implement a constructive heuristic that calls a special method every time a component has to be chosen, possible choices are passed as arguments.

As an example, lets consider the Traveling Salesman Problem (TSP).

The following class implements a randomly generated TSP instance:

class TSPInstance():
    def __init__(self, n):
        self.n = n

        self.xcoord = [random.random()*100 for v in range(n)]
        self.ycoord = [random.random()*100 for v in range(n)]

    def getNumVertices(self):
        return self.n

    def getWeight(self, u, v):
        return ((self.xcoord[u]-self.xcoord[v])**2 + (self.ycoord[u]-self.ycoord[v])**2)**(1/2)

In the above implementation, vertices are randomly chosen points in a 100x100 plane. Edge weights are the Euclidean distances between the vertices.

To use the framework, we have to define a user class subclassing an ant class corresponding to our desired ACO variation:

  • AS_Ant for Ant System.
  • ACS_Ant for Ant Colony System.
  • MMAS_Ant for Min-Max Ant System

If we choose to define a constructor in our user class, in addition to user parameters, we must receive a dictionary of keyword parameters of the form **kwargs and make a call to super().__init__(**kwargs)

class TSPAnt(Formigueiro.ACS_Ant):
    def __init__(self, instance, **kwargs):
        self.instance = instance


In the example above, we subclass ACS_Ant and the constructor of our user class receives the problem instance.

The method constructSolution is where solutions should be built. In the example, components will be tuples of the form (u, v), representing edges. In Formigueiro, every component must be hashable. Every time a component has to be selected, we must call makeDecision, passing an iterable with the possible choices. makeDecision will return the selected component.

    def constructSolution(self):
        # set of all vertices
        V = set(range(self.instance.getNumVertices()))

        # initial vertex - last added vertex
        u = 0

        # vertices in the solution
        U = set([u])

        while U != V:
            # the available components at the current iteration
            # are (u, v) where u is the last added vertex
            # and v is a vertex that has not been added
            components = [(u, v) for v in V - U]

            # select a component and update u
            _, u = self.makeDecision(components)


        # add last edge
        self.makeDecision([(u, 0)])

We must also tell Formigueiro how to evaluate the cost of a component by implementing the method getComponentCost:

    def getComponentCost(self, component):
        return self.instance.getWeight(*component)

This is the complete class:

class TSPAnt(Formigueiro.ACS_Ant):
    def __init__(self, instance, **kwargs):
        self.instance = instance


    def getComponentCost(self, component):
        return self.instance.getWeight(*component)

    def constructSolution(self):
        # set of all vertices
        V = set(range(self.instance.getNumVertices()))

        # initial vertex - last added vertex
        u = 0

        # vertices in the solution
        U = set([u])

        while U != V:
            # the available components at the current iteration
            # are (u, v) where u is the last added vertex
            # and v is a vertex that has not been added
            components = [(u, v) for v in V - U]

            # select a component and update u
            _, u = self.makeDecision(components)


        # add last edge
        self.makeDecision([(u, 0)])

Finally, to solve the problem, we call Solve, passing the user class as an argument, together with arguments for Formigueiro and arguments for the user class itself. Solve will return the objective value and the components in the best solution found:

instance = TSPInstance(50)
obj, components = Formigueiro.Solve(antCls = TSPAnt, instance = instance, numIterations = 1000, numAnts = 10, alpha = 1, beta = 1) 

The following are the parameters that can be passed to Solve:

Name Meaning Default
alpha α 1
beta β 1
rho ρ 0.1
Q Q 1
tau0 τ0 1
q0 q0 0.5
phi φ 0.9
minPheromone min. amount of pheromone in MMAS -∞
maxPheromone max. amount of pheromone in MMAS
numAnts number of ants 10
numIterations number of iterations 100

Support for Local Search

Local Search is supported. The user must implement the localSearch method in the user class. If local search is implemented, the getSolutionComponents method must also be implemented. It should return an iterable with the components in the solution after local search.


A python Framework for Simple Ant Colony Optimization Algorithms







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