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func name description
ft_isalnum checks for an alphanumeric character
ft_isalpha checks for an alphabetic character
ft_isascii checks whether c fits into the ASCII character set
ft_isdigit checks for a digit (0 through 9)
ft_isprint checks for any printable character
ft_tolower convert char to lowercase
ft_toupper convert char to uppercase


func name description
ft_bzero zero a byte string
ft_memchr scan memory for a character
ft_memcmp compare memory areas
ft_memcpy copy memory area
ft_memmove copy memory area
ft_memset fill memory with a constant byte
ft_strchr locate character in string
ft_strdup creates a dupplicate for the string passed as parameter
ft_strlcat concatenate string to an specific size
ft_strlcpy copy string to an specific size
ft_strlen calculate the length of a string
ft_strncmp compare two strings
ft_strnstr locate a substring in a string
ft_strrchr locate character in string


func name description
ft_atoi convert a string to an integer
ft_calloc allocates memory and sets its bytes' values to 0


func name description
ft_printf output a formatted string


func name description
ft_get_next_line returns next line as string
ft_itoa converts a number into a string
ft_putchar_fd output a char to a file descriptor
ft_putendl_fd output a string to a file descriptor, followed by a new line
ft_putnbr_fd output a number to a file descriptor
ft_putstr_fd output a string to a file descriptor
ft_split splits a string using a char as parameter
ft_striteri applies a function to each character of a string
ft_strjoin concatenates two strings
ft_strmapi applies a function to each character of a string
ft_strtrim trims the beginning and end of string with specific set of chars
ft_substr returns a substring from a string

linked list

func name description
ft_lstadd_back adds an element at the end of a list
ft_lstadd_front adds an element at the beginning of a list
ft_lstclear deletes and free list
ft_lstdelone deletes one node
ft_lstiter applies a function to each element of a list
ft_lstlast returns the last element of the list
ft_lstmap applies a function to each element of a list
ft_lstnew creates a new list element
ft_lstsize counts the number of elements in a list


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