Xamarin-beacon is a ibeacon simulation application for android and ios device.
- Scanning the nearby ibeacons
- Broadcast an iBeacon
This application is build upon the Altbeacon libery for the android device and for ios device we have used iOS builtin libery corelocation for scanning and corebluetooth for broadcasting.
Xamarin-beacon reqires visual studio(2019 or above) and a physical device this will not work on a emulaor.
- Clone the repository
- Open the solution file (.sln)
- run on the device
Want to make your changes, Great!
- Ui changes need to do in application folder Page/MainPage.cs
- Ui related functions are on ViewModel/MainPageViewModel.cs
- Beacon functions for android .Android AltBeaconService.cs
- Beacon function for ios .iOS Blescan.cs --> scanner and BleTransmit.cs --> broadcast
- All configuration for the iBeacon function initilized on application class
<!--for connecting to devices (client)-->
<!--for server configurations if needed-->
<!--Description of the Bluetooth request message (required on iOS 10, deprecated)-->
<string>YOUR CUSTOM MESSAGE</string>
<!--Description of the Bluetooth request message (required on iOS 13)-->
<string>YOUR CUSTOM MESSAGE</string>
- Need to fix the codeQL work-flow
Free Software, Hell Yeah!