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The backend service for DDocs

Environment Variables

Name Description
CONNECTION_STRING The postgres connection string
JWT_SECRET The secret key for generating JWT tokens
CLIENT_ID The discord application client id used for OAuth
CLIENT_SECRET The discord application client secret used for OAuth
REDIRECT_URI The discord application redirect uri used for OAuth

Defining Routes

The backend service uses a custom wrapper for the default HttpListener to implement route modules.

Creating new routes

public class YourClass : RestModuleBase
  [Route("/your/uri/path", "GET")
  public async Task<RestResult> ExecuteAsync()
    // code


  • Your module must inherit RestModuleBase.
  • Your method must contain a Route attribute specifing the route path and the HTTP method.


  • Your method can have a RequireAuthentication attribute, this locks execution to client with valid jwt authentication.
  • Your method can be a regular expression by specifying isRegex: true in the Route attribute
  • Your method can contain route parameters by defining them like so:
    [Route("/your/{parameter}", "GET")
    public async Task<RestResult> ExecuteAsync(string parameter)
    One note on this is that your parameter names must match up, the type can be any default type (like int, long, string, etc).

Each route must return a RestResult which holds the status code and optional json payload to return to the request.

The Module Base

The RestModuleBase contains useful properties that use can use during your request:

Name Description
Context The raw HTTP Context
RestServer The HTTP server instance
Request The raw request
Response The raw response object
AuthenticationService The authentication service
DiscordOAuthHelper The OAuth helper
Authentication The current authentication state for the request, can be null if no authentication is provided
ModuleInfo The raw module info

Working with EF Core

This project uses EF Core to communicate between the application and postgres. To use this system propery you will need a few prerequisites:

In order to run any ef commands on the project you must have the env variable CONNECTION_STRING set to the postgres connection string.

Add EntityFramework dotnet tool

$> dotnet tool install --global dotnet-ef

Update the tool

$> dotnet tool update --global dotnet-ef

Verify the installation

$> dotnet ef

The output should look somthing like this

               ---==/    \\
         ___  ___   |.    \|\
        | __|| __|  |  )   \\\
        | _| | _|   \_/ |  //|\\
        |___||_|       /   \\\/\\

Entity Framework Core .NET Command-line Tools 2.1.3-rtm-32065

<Usage documentation follows, not shown.>

Creating a new migration

A migration is basically a commit of the model structure -- you're required to do this to make changes to the database scheme, you can also roll back to previous migrations if needed.

$> dotnet ef migrations add <migration_name>

Applying your migration

Once your migration is built and you're ready to update the database you can run the following command to apply the new scheme:

$> dotnet ef database update



The back-end service for







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