Jcord is an easy to use Discord API Library Built for NodeJS.
- Stable The Documentation for the Stable Version of Jcord
- Master The Documentation for the Master Version of Jcord
Jcord can be install on any operating System that has NodeJS 8+
If you are willing to install Jcord, please install NodeJS, i suggest using the LTS Version.
The stable version of Jcord has features that we are sure that won't break, and has no errors whatsoever, if you do overcome an error, open an Issue, and once we have fixed the Issue, install Jcord Master instead.
$ npm install --save jcord
- Stable Version
The master version of Jcord has many features, yet are tend to break. Some of them are already fixed, but some aren't. Since master version always gets new commits, you can simple report something or suggest something, and once we fix it, it will be first pushed to the Master version.
$ npm install --save discord-jcord/jcord
- Master Version
If you are confused on how to use Jcord, here are some examples.
Classic Usage:
const Jcord = require('jcord');
const client = new Jcord.Client();
client.on('SHARD_READY', (shard) => console.log(`Shard #${shard.id} Connected!`));
client.on('READY', () => console.log(`All Shards Connected! Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`));
client.on('MESSAGE_CREATE', (message) => {
if (message.content === 'ping') {
client.initiate('BOT TOKEN');
We also have an Example for the Command Creator
const Jcord = require('jcord');
const client = new Jcord.CommandCreator();
client.on('SHARD_READY', (shard) => console.log(`Shard #${shard.id} Connected!`));
client.on('READY', () => console.log(`All Shards Connected! Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`));
client.registerCommand('ping', 'pong!');
client.initiate('BOT TOKEN');
Classic Usage:
const Jcord = require('jcord');
const client = new Jcord.Client();
client.on('SHARD_READY', (shard) => console.log(`Shard #${shard.id} Connected!`));
client.on('READY', () => console.log(`All Shards Connected! Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`));
client.on('MESSAGE_CREATE', (message) => {
if (message.content === 'ping') {
message.channel.send({ content: 'pong!' });
client.initiate('BOT TOKEN');
We also have an Example for the Command Creator
const Jcord = require('jcord');
const client = new Jcord.CommandCreator();
client.on('SHARD_READY', (shard) => console.log(`Shard #${shard.id} Connected!`));
client.on('READY', () => console.log(`All Shards Connected! Logged in as ${client.user.tag}`));
client.registerCommand('ping', 'pong!');
client.initiate('BOT TOKEN');