SPCal in an spICP-MS calculator with an interactive GUI.
Both quadrupole and ToF data is supported, with native import from Nu Instruments and TOFWERK ICPs.
SPCal has basic data processing and export functions including:
- histograms and distribution fitting
- particle composition by heirachical clustering
- scatter plots and PCAs
- particle filtering by signal / mass / size
Windows executables are available for each release.
To install via pip first clone the repository then install as a local package.
git clone https://github.com/djdt/spcal
cd spcal
pip install -e .
The program can then be run from the command line. See the help for extended usage.
spcal --help
Documentation on usage, examples and a programming reference can be found at https://spcal.readthedocs.io.
- Lockwood, T. E.; Gonzalez de Vega, R.; Clases, D. An Interactive Python-Based Data Processing Platform for Single Particle and Single Cell ICP-MS. Journal of Analytical Atomic Spectrometry 2021, 36 (11), 2536–2544.
- Lockwood, T. E.; Schlatt, L.; Clases, D. SPCal – an Open Source, Easy-to-Use Processing Platform for ICP-TOFMS-Based Single Event Data. J. Anal. At. Spectrom. 2025, 40, 130-136