v7.4.4 Dependency Updates
If you've been updating with the latest releases, sorry about the dependencies issues. I'll have to figure out a new workflow to keep that from happening in the future. I think we may have finally arrived at a good dependency match.
Installation/Usage Instructions
Windows Users
Grab the file below.
Linux users
Docker or Podman users
docker run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker -v ./testoutput:/root/output djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
podman run -it -v ./extralifedonationtracker:/root/.config/extralifedonationtracker:Z -v ./testoutput:/root/output:Z djotaku/eldonationtracker:latest
For more detailed instructions
Installation Instructions: https://eldonationtracker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/installation.html
Usage Instructions: https://eldonationtracker.readthedocs.io/en/latest/usage.html
Please file any bug reports. Pull requests welcome on the devel branch.